Atlantic sturgeon definition

Atlantic sturgeon means Acipenser oxyrhnchus. "Barndoor skate" means Dipturus laevis. "Basking shark" means Cetorhinus maximus.
Atlantic sturgeon means Acipenser oxyrhnchus.
Atlantic sturgeon means Acipenser oxyrhnchus. "Barndoor skate" means Dipturus laevis.

Examples of Atlantic sturgeon in a sentence

  • Additional consultation may also be required with National Marine Fisheries Service for species or critical habitat under their jurisdiction, including sea turtles, marine mammals, shortnose sturgeon, and Atlantic sturgeon.

  • No in-water work shall be conducted in waters of the U.S. in the Roanoke River designated as Atlantic sturgeon critical habitat from February 1st through June 30th, and August 1st through October 31st, without prior written approval from NMFS.

  • The Norfolk District will include a paragraph stating that any injuries or mortalities occurring to sea turtles or Atlantic sturgeon as a result of discharges of dredged or fill material, or through the construction of structures or other work in navigable waters, must be reported to NOAA Fisheries, PRD and the Corps regulatory office.

  • The proposed critical habitat areas and rivers for the Atlantic sturgeon (Chesapeake Bay Distinct Population Segment) may be refined within the next year.

  • No in-water work shall be conducted in waters of the U.S. designated by the National Marine Fisheries Service as Atlantic sturgeon critical habitat from February 1st through June 30th.

  • Additional consultation may also be required with National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for species or critical habitat under their jurisdiction, including sea turtles, marine mammals, shortnose sturgeon, and Atlantic sturgeon.

  • Additional consultation may also be required with NOAA Fisheries Service, Protected Resources Division, for listed species or critical habitat under their jurisdiction, including sea turtles, marine mammals, shortnose sturgeon, and Atlantic sturgeon.

  • The harvest, landing, or possession of Atlantic sturgeon in the marine waters of Rhode Island is prohibited.

  • If any unit member resigns after the PAR panel recommendation is issued but before the Board of Education decides on the recommendation, MCPS will not automatically or routinely oppose unemployment compensation or unemployment insurance claims.

  • Additional consultation may also be required with National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA) for species or critical habitat under their jurisdiction, including sea turtles, marine mammals, shortnose sturgeon, and Atlantic sturgeon.

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