Examples of Barndoor skate in a sentence
Barndoor skate is known to interact with the bottom longline fishery, but these skates are not retained; they are released alive at the rail of the vessel.
Barndoor skate are managed as a single stock as part of the Northeast Skate Complex, along with six other species of skate, by the NEFMC.
Barndoor skate are often co-located with little skate and winter skate in muddy, sandy, and gravelly substrate across a range of depths and temperatures (McEachran 2002; Packer et al.
Barndoor skate is a large marine skate species found from Newfoundland to North Carolina (Packer et al.
So, for example, our work on the refugee crisis—which includes supporting the bishops when they lobby ministers, and resourcing dioceses and parishes to welcome refugees into their communities—long predates recent changes to US policy and expresses our position on that issue very clearly.
Redfish, Pollock, Silver hake, Barndoor skate, Summer flounder, Black sea bass, tilefish, redgrouper, and Widow rockfish.