Examples of Austrian Banking Act in a sentence
Raiffeisen Kapitalanlage-Gesellschaft m.b.H. (“the management company”) is a management company within the meaning of § 1 (1) item 13 of the Austrian Banking Act (BWG) in combination with § 6 (2) of the 2011 Austrian Investment Fund Act (InvFG) and an alternative investment fund manager within the meaning of the Austrian Alternative Investment Fund Managers Act (AIFMG).
The right of the management company to manage an investment fund will lapse upon expiry of its investment business license (§ 1 (1) item 13 of the Austrian Banking Act in combination with § 6 (2) InvFG) or its authorization pursuant to Art.
The Gross cropped area of the district in the year 2010-11 was 236744 out of which 115519 ha crop area is irrigated comprising 48.79% out of the total cropped area.The ratio of irrigated area varied on taluka basis the record of land revenue shows that the maximum irrigated cropped area located in Tirora and Arjuni Morgaon.
Processing of transactionsThe Management Company expressly states that it can have transactions for the Investment Fund completed through a firm with which it is closely associated, an associated company pursuant to § 2 item 28 of the Austrian Banking Act (Bankwesengesetz).
Delegation of tasksThe Management Company notes that it has delegated tasks to a firm with which it is closely associated, an associated company pursuant to § 2 item 28 of the Austrian Banking Act (Bankwesengesetz).
The Issuer reserves the right to change or terminate the appointment of the Paying Agent at any time and to appoint another credit institution domiciled in Austria or the European Union, that is licensed in accordance with the provisions of the Austrian Banking Act (Bundesgesetz über das Bankwesen; Bankwesengesetz – “BWG”) or another member state of the European Union and is subject to its provisions as Paying Agent.
For each risk type, the table below shows the minimum capital required under the Austrian Banking Act and the corresponding Values at Risk based on the ICAAP: In the calculation of risk coverage, the economic capital required is compared with the economic capital available.
In order to monitor the implementation of this risk strategy in connection with the management, monitoring and limitation of risks pursuant to section 39 (2b) points 1 to 14 Austrian Banking Act, capital adequacy and liquidity, is a key responsibility.
OC) refers to companies that are neither Credit Institutions nor Financial Institutions by the definitions of the Austrian Banking Act.
The Main Cardholder and the Additional Cardholder expressly declare that they are acting in their own names and for their own account, in accordance with § 40 (2) of Austrian Banking Act, and undertake to inform card complete of any changes to these circumstances within the course of the business relationship.