Examples of Auxiliary Consumption in a sentence
The Seller must ensure that all electrical energy required by the Power Plant for Auxiliary Consumption while the Power Plant is generating electrical energy to meet the Seller’s obligations under this Agreement, is supplied by the Power Plant itself and not by any other supplier, including any other supplier which supplies electrical energy to the private network of customers which may provide load to the Power Plant, other than by NamPower as agreed in the Transmission Connection Agreement.
Subject to the express and mandatory requirement of the Grid Code, the Seller shall not sell any Net Energy to any person other than NamPower (save for electrical energy consumed by the Power Plant as Auxiliary Consumption) without NamPower’s prior written consent.
The Facility consists of [***] (“Panel”) Units with the following design parameters: Make / Model: Name Plate Capacity of each Panel: Name-Plate Capacity of the Facility Wake Losses: Auxiliary Consumption: EBOP losses Capacity (Net): 1.
The Complex consists of (---) Geothermal Generator (“WTGG”) Units with the following design parameters: WTGG Make / Model Name Plate Capacity of each WTGG MW Name-Plate Capacity of the Complex MW Wake Losses MW Auxiliary Consumption MW Capacity (Net) XX X.
On the other hand the respondent has stated that the usage of coal does not have any impact on Auxiliary Consumption (AC) as these plants are already designed and installed with equipment required for firing of coal.