Examples of Average attendance rate in a sentence
Its structure enables it to monitor the status of business execution by the Directors.The number of Board of Directors meetings held in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023: 20 Attendance rate (Average attendance rate): Directors 100% / Auditors 100% Corporate Strategy MeetingThe Corporate Strategy Meeting, as the deliberation and decision-making body of the management team, meets once a week, in principle.
Attendance of individual members at Audit Committee meetings in 2008 is as follows: Number of meetings3 Mr. Xu Bingjin 3/3 (100%)Mr. Song Jian3/3 (100%)Mr. Jiang Bo3/3 (100%) Average attendance rate 100% During 2008, apart from the three meetings of the Audit Committee, consent/approval from the members of the Audit Committee had also been obtained via circulation of written resolutions on a number of issues.
Number of StaffTable 5: Staff Attendance 2013 (source: Staff Payroll Report) Average attendance rate of all staff is 97.7%.
Participation of individual directors at Board meetings in 2022 were as follows: Number of meetings 13 Attendance by directorAttendancerateExecutive directors: Mr. Wu Xiao An (chairman of the Board)13/13100%Mr. Shen Tie Dong13/13100%Mr. Zhang Wei13/13100%Mr. Sun Baowei (Note 1)8/8100%Mr. Xu Daqing (Note 2)5/5100%Independent non-executive directors: Mr. Song Jian13/13100%Mr. Jiang Bo13/13100%Mr. Dong Yang13/13100%Dr. Lam Kit Lan, Cynthia (Note 3)5/5100% Average attendance rate 100% Notes: 1.
The service operator will meet the following performance standards: Output Standard Output Indicator Agreed Level 1 Rate of completing 2 developmental assessments for each child within one year (Note 1) 95% 2 Average attendance rate within one year 80% 3 Rate of achieving plans within a period of six months (Note 2) 95% • Service to be open for a total of 44 hours per week with core service hours of at least 40 hours per week.
Attendance of individual members at Audit Committee meetings in 2011 is as follows: Number of meetings2 Mr. Xu Bingjin (chairman) 2/2 (100%)Mr. Song Jian2/2 (100%)Mr. Jiang Bo2/2 (100%) Average attendance rate 100% The principal duties of the Audit Committee included reviewing the Company’s financial controls, internal control and risk management system, annual report, accounts and half-yearly report.
The Board of Auditors meets once a month, in principle, to mutually share information amongst themselves.The number of Board of Auditors meetings held in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023: 15 Attendance rate (Average attendance rate): Auditors 100% Internal AuditsSkymark’s internal audits are mainly conducted by dedicated audit staff belonging to the Audit Office.
Average attendance rate in 2008 for all Board meetings held during the year is 99%.
ChairmanTISDALL Stephen Clifford (from 1.4.2010) MembersProf CHAN Chi Fai, Andrew, SBS, JP (from 1.4.2010) PICKERELL Blair Chilton (from 1.4.2010) Prof CHAN Kalok SHEK Chi Fai, DerekProf CHAN Man Man, Johannes, SC SO Yuk Sing, ChristineProf CHENG Yu Shek, Joseph, JP VAS Judy ESPINA AnthonyNo of meetings: 1 Average attendance rate: 90% Advisory CommitteeAdvises the SFC on any matter of policy regarding the performance of its functions.
This extends to our work on surface access to airports, where we advocate for greater accessibility for passengers with disabilities and Passengers with Reduced Mobility (PRMs).Over the years, airlines and airports have invested heavily in facilities and technology to make it easier for people with disabilities and PRMs to travel.