Examples of Average Daily Balance in a sentence
The cost of your Credit on the Account as a dollar amount that we derive by applying your Daily Periodic Rate to the Average Daily Balance.
We calculate the INTEREST CHARGES for a billing cycle by applying the monthly Periodic Rate to the Average Daily Balance of your account.
To get the Average Daily Balance, we take the beginning balance of your account each day, add any new cash advances, and subtract any payments, credits, non-accruing fees, and unpaid INTEREST CHARGES.
The interest charge for each billing cycle will be computed by multiplying the Average Daily Balance of the balance subject to interest charge during the billing cycle by the monthly periodic rate.
The INTEREST CHARGE calculation method applicable to your Account for Purchases, Cash Advances, balance Transfers, and Checks that you obtain through the use of your Account or Card is the Average Daily Balance (including new purchases) as specified on your monthly periodic statement and explained below: Purchases.