Average Daily Balance definition

Average Daily Balance means the balance sum computed by dividing the sum of the balance outstanding on each day from the first day of the next Billing Period by the number of days in that Billing Period. For the purpose of computation, each day’s balance is determined by adjusting the Total New Balance with payments, credit, cash withdrawal, purchases of goods and/or services obtained on the Sales Drafts and/or Cash Withdrawal Drafts received by Maybank before the Closing Date of each Billing Period;
Average Daily Balance is determined by dividing the sum of the daily balances during each billing cycle by the number of days in the cycle. Each daily balance of cash advances and credit purchases is determined by adding to the outstanding balance of cash advances and credit purchases at the beginning of the billing cycle any new cash advances and credit purchases posted to your account and subtracting any payments as received and credits as posted to your account, but excluding any unpaid Finance Charges.
Average Daily Balance is the quotient of (i) the sum of the outstanding principal debt owed DFS on each day of a billing period for each item of Collateral identified on a Statement of Transaction, divided by (ii) the actual number of days in such billing period. Dealer will also pay DFS $100 for each check returned unpaid for insufficient funds (an "NSF check") (such $100 payment repays DFS' estimated administrative costs; it does not waive the default caused by the NSF check). The annual percentage rate of the finance charges relating to any item of Collateral financed by DFS will be calculated from the invoice date of such Collateral, regardless of any period during which any finance charge subsidy shall be paid or payable by any third party. Dealer acknowledges that DFS intends to strictly conform to the applicable usury laws governing this Agreement. Regardless of any provision contained herein or in any other document executed or delivered in connection herewith or therewith, DFS shall never be deemed to have contracted for, charged or be entitled to receive, collect or apply as interest on this Agreement (whether termed interest herein or deemed to be interest by judicial determination or operation of law), any amount in excess of the maximum amount allowed by applicable law, and, if DFS ever receives, collects or applies as interest any such excess, such amount which would be excessive interest will be applied first to the reduction of the unpaid principal balances of advances under this Agreement, and, second, any remaining excess will be paid to Dealer. In determining whether or not the interest paid or payable under any specific contingency exceeds the highest lawful rate, Dealer and DFS shall, to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law: (A) characterize any non-principal payment (other than payments which are expressly designated as interest payments hereunder) as an expense or fee rather than as interest; (B) exclude voluntary pre-payments and the effect thereof; and (C) spread the total amount of interest throughout the entire term of this Agreement so that the interest rate is uniform throughout such term.

Examples of Average Daily Balance in a sentence

  • The cost of your Credit on the Account as a dollar amount that we derive by applying your Daily Periodic Rate to the Average Daily Balance.

  • We calculate the INTEREST CHARGES for a billing cycle by applying the monthly Periodic Rate to the Average Daily Balance of your account.

  • To get the Average Daily Balance, we take the beginning balance of your account each day, add any new cash advances, and subtract any payments, credits, non-accruing fees, and unpaid INTEREST CHARGES.

  • The interest charge for each billing cycle will be computed by multiplying the Average Daily Balance of the balance subject to interest charge during the billing cycle by the monthly periodic rate.

  • The INTEREST CHARGE calculation method applicable to your Account for Purchases, Cash Advances, balance Transfers, and Checks that you obtain through the use of your Account or Card is the Average Daily Balance (including new purchases) as specified on your monthly periodic statement and explained below: Purchases.

More Definitions of Average Daily Balance

Average Daily Balance shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.2(b) hereof.
Average Daily Balance for each Advance for a given period of time, the sum of the unpaid principal of such Advance as of each day during such period of time, divided by the number of days in such period of time.
Average Daily Balance means the sum of each of the daily balances in a billing cycle divided by the number of days in the billing cycle, and if the billing cycle is a month, the creditor may elect to treat the number of days in each billing cycle as thirty (30).
Average Daily Balance is determined as follows. Each day we take the balance at the beginning of the day, add any new purchases, cash advances, balance transfers, insurance premiums, and debit adjustments or other charges, and subtract any payments, credits, unpaid finance charges, late charges, over-the-credit limit fees, and cash advance fees that are processed that day. This gives us the “Daily Balance.” To get the “Average Daily Balance” for the billing cycle, we add up all the Daily Balances for each calendar day of the billing cycle, and divide the total by the number of days in the billing cycle. Purchase transactions posted to your Account during the billing cycle period are included in the total only if the “New Balance” on your previously assessed bill was not paid in full by the end of the grace period, as explained below. A finance charge will be imposed on Credit Purchases only if you elect not to pay the entire New Balance shown on your monthly statement for the previous billing cycle within 25 days from the date of that statement. If you elect not to pay the entire New Balance shown on your previous monthly statement within that 25 day period, a Finance Charge will be imposed on the unpaid average daily balance of such Credit Purchases from the date of posting to your Account during the current billing cycle, and will continue to accrue until the date of the billing cycle preceding the date on which the entire New Balance is paid in full or until the date of payment if more than 25 days from the closing date. At the time of this Agreement, your Account is subject to the following terms: PURCHASES, CASH ADVANCE AND BALANCE TRANSFERS: The monthly periodic rate for purchases, cash advances and balance transfers for your Visa Credit Card with a corresponding ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is shown on the Account Opening Disclosure on page 4.
Average Daily Balance means the sum of each of the daily
Average Daily Balance the sum of the Outstanding Product Advances or Outstanding A/R Advances, as the case may be, as of the end of each day during a calendar month, divided by the number of days in the calendar month.
Average Daily Balance is the quotient of: (i) the sum of the outstanding principal debt owed DFS on each day of a billing period for each item of Inventory identified on the Statement of Transaction, divided by (ii) the actual number of days in such billing period.