Examples of Bag filters in a sentence
Bag filters are utilised at transfer points to avoid any dust emission into the atmosphere in case of feeding fine AFRs. For optimal performance (co-processing without additional emissions), waste materials (pre-processed or as received) should be fed to the cement kiln through appropriate feed points, in adequate proportions and with proper waste quality and emission monitoring systems.
Bag filters shall not be less than, +95% against ASHRAE Standard 52-76/ EN 779/ atmospheric Dust SPOT test method average efficiency.
Bag filters are provided in two trains each containing four parallel bag filters.
Bag filters make use of a fabric filter system, the “bags” which separate the dust particles from the exhaust gas.
Bag filters will be used to remove the fine ash plus excess and spent lime and carbon as the gases pass through the bag filter fabric.
Bag filters remove suspended solids (if necessary) as a pretreatment to the air stripper, which is designed to remove TCE.
Bag filters will be provided in coal crushing and coal handling area of FBC based power plant as well as blast furnace raw material handling area.
Tender for “Annual Rate Contract for Routine Maintenance of Bag filters (30 no’s) & ESP’S (05 no’s) along with Revival & Maintenance of Bag filters (06 no’s).” This tender contains part –I and Part – II general terms, Part – III special terms and conditions, Part–IV Technical Specification & Data sheet and Price bid.
Electricity is used for driving the prime movers like kiln drives, compressors, pumps, Bag filters, crushers, FD and ID fans etc.
Bag filters and settled solids will be incinerated at the end of this process in the waste combustion unit.