Catalogue definition

Catalogue means the catalogue of IT Products available for Order under the provisions of the Framework Agreement.
Catalogue means details relevant to the sale / purchase of the Products, including the Selling Price, an informative description of each Product (including but not limited to the length, breadth and height of the Product) and its contents, by way of text descriptions, graphics, or pictures or videos as provided by the Seller.
Catalogue means the available list of tangible personal property or services, in the most current listing, regardless of date, during the life of the contract, that takes the form of a catalogue, price list, schedule, shelf price or other form that:

Examples of Catalogue in a sentence

  • For FAQs and other information and templates that are specific to the BCTEA process, reporting requirements and the 2020/21 Joint First Nations Transportation Plan submission process please visit the Ministry of Education School District Reporting Catalogue website or the FNESC website above for First Nations.

More Definitions of Catalogue

Catalogue means the Government Electronic Marketplace or such or any subsequent pan-government catalogue or such other medium as the Authority may determine;
Catalogue means the display of available Elements in the Portal.
Catalogue means the CloudStore or such or any subsequent pan-government catalogue or such other medium as the Authority may determine; Charges means the prices (exclusive of any applicable VAT), payable to the Supplier by the Customer under the Call-Off Agreement, as set out in the relevant paragraph of the Order Form (paragraph 6.1 in example given, in consideration of the full and proper performance by the Supplier of its obligations under the Call-Off Agreement;
Catalogue means a document listing the Goods and Services offered by the Supplier across Lots 1 to 10 of this Framework Agreement provided in the format defined by paragraph 4.4 of Schedule 1 and published on such electronic portals as may be directed by the Authority (such as the Government E-marketplace) from time to time.
Catalogue means an online or printed document containing a description of the Equipment to be sold at an Auction or by way of a Private Treaty Sale;
Catalogue. Means the catalogue of Goods and Services (within Lot 1 and 2) offered by a Provider in accordance with clause [ ] of Schedule 1.
Catalogue means any advertisement, brochure, late entry list, estimate, price list or other publication that may provide information about a Lot or the Auction.