Feed definition
Feed means feed as defined in point (4) of Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002;
Feed. (or ‘feedingstuff’) means any substance or product, including additives, whether processed, partially processed or unprocessed, intended to be used for oral feeding to animals;
Feed means front end engineering and design.
Examples of Feed in a sentence
Written-only proponent testimony was provided by representatives of the Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association and Kansas Grain & Feed Association, Kansas Association of Defense Counsel, Kansas Association of Insurance Agents, Kansas Association of Property & Casualty Insurance Companies, Kansas Medical Society, Medical Professional Liability Association, National Federation of Independent Businesses, and National Insurance Crime Bureau.
More Definitions of Feed
Feed means any material that may attract or be con- sumed by wild animals that is placed for any non−hunting purpose including recreational and supplemental feeding under ss. 29.335 and 29.336, Stats., but does not include plain drinking water or decoys.
Feed means front end engineering design;
Feed means hay or silage.
Feed means commercial feeds, feed ingredients, mineral feeds, drugs, animal health products, supplements, customer-formula feeds or other products, including grain, that are used for feeding livestock.
Feed means any material consumed, or intended to be consumed, by animals other than humans, or any element of that material that contributes nutrition, taste, or aroma, or otherwise has a technical effect on the consumed material. The term “feed” includes raw materials, ingredients, and finished product.
Feed means any RSS, or variant, feed containing content from a Site as made available by the Company from time to time;
Feed means the visual information transmitted by a Public Surveillance Camera.