Band definition
Examples of Band in a sentence
If, prior to the Effective Date, any lands, including the Highway 16 Lands, have been set apart as Indian Reserve for the exclusive use and benefit of the Kitselas Band, then this Agreement will be updated, as necessary, to reflect that those additional Indian Reserve lands form part of Former Kitselas Indian Reserves. 133.
For greater certainty, nothing in paragraph 132 alters the application of the ATR Policy to the Kitselas Band, the Highway 16 Lands, or any other lands the Kitselas Band may seek to have set apart for their use and benefit prior to the Effective Date.
If this Agreement is with a Band (or First Nation), the Agreement Holder is advised that nothing in this Agreement addresses aboriginal rights or aboriginal title, limits the positions that the parties may take in treaty negotiations or litigation pertaining to aboriginal rights or title, nor affects the legal relationship between the Government of British Columbia and the Agreement Holder other than with respect to the matters that are the subject of this Agreement.
Please contact us if you wish to join part-way through the financial year for a quote Not available Charge for 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026 Band No of Staff Charge Variable charge per head A 0 - 35 £1,575.80 £9.89 B 36 - 45 £1,718.34 £9.89 C 46 - 55 £1,790.73 £9.89 D 56 - 65 £1,916.50 £9.89 E 66 - 85 £2,147.09 £9.89 F 86 – 100 £2,864.28 £9.89 G 101 - 150 £3,579.23 £9.89 H 151 - 200 £4,007.98 £9.89 I 201 - 250 £4,651.61 £9.89 Additional job evaluations will be charged at £101.81 per evaluation.
J520 Band 6 (full year, fine art credit) J407 Boys Choir 6 (full year, fine art credit) J408 Girls Choir 6 (full year, fine art credit) J546 Aít 6 (1 semesteí, fine aít cíedit) J550 ľheatíe 6 (1 semesteí, fine aít cíedit) J513 Skills foí Living 6 (1 semesteí) J506 SľEM 6 (1 semesteí) J510 ľech Exploíation 6 (1 semesteí) Student Signatuíe Date Paíent Signatuíe Date READING/LANGUAGE ARTS MATH SCIENCE SOCIAL STUDIES Xxxxxxxxxx ISD acknowledges that student participation in advanced coursework is valuable.