Examples of Level 4 in a sentence
The failure will be recorded on the student's final transcript.Study at Level 4, Level 5 and Level 6 will be as per the main body of this document.
Pursuant to IC 13-30-10-1.5(i), an offense under IC 13-30-10-1.5(e) is a Level 4 felony if the person knowingly commits the offense or knows that the commission of the offense places another person in imminent danger of death or serious bodily injury.
Pursuant to IC 13-30-10-1.5(i), an offense under IC 13-30-10-1.5(e) is a Level 4 felony if the person knowingly commits the offense and knows that the commission of the offense places another person in imminent danger of death or serious bodily injury.
Returns under DEFCON 694 should be sent to DBS Finance ADMT – Assets In Industry 1, Level 4 Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD 44 (0) 161 233 5397 2.
Level 4 modules are normally studied during the first year of a full time honours degree course.