Channel definition
Examples of Channel in a sentence
Cover may continue for a Member who is temporarily seconded to another police agency or task force within the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man whilst remaining in the employment of the police force as stated in the Policy Schedule and will continue for the duration of the Secondment.
Channel compatibility problems may occur if equipment such as TVs and DVRs are connected directly to the cable system.
All internet-facing connections established under a Framework Agreement shall utilize the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol,10 version 1.2 with BCP-195,11 or a later version of TLS, as further specified in the Secure Channel requirements of the QTF.
Channel compatibility problems associated with the reception of programming that is not scrambled or encrypted programming can be resolved by using a simple converter device without descrambling or decryption capabilities.
Prevent and Channel – Children and Adults The Prevent programme is designed to help prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support, including through the multi-agency Channel programme.