Examples of Bank Interest Rate in a sentence
The accuracy of the sample survey is documented in ‘The measurement of Sampling Error in Bank Interest Rate Statistics’, Bank of Italy, Supplements to the Statistical Bulletin – Methodological Notes, June 2007 and in ‘Quality Measures in Non-random Sampling MFI Interest Rate Statistics’, ECB, Statistics Paper Series, 2013.
Delayed payments shall be subject to interest charges at the interest rate of 9 % above the set European Central Bank Interest Rate for Main Refinancing Operations.
Kohn, “Focusing on Bank Interest Rate Risk Exposure,” speech at the FDIC’s Symposium on Interest Rate Risk Management, Arlington, VA, January 29, 2010.
Bs is proportional to permanent income for an individual consumer, and the problem is set up so that the average permanent income across all consumers is the average income, allowing us to back out bs.23The Federal Reserve series G19 (Commercial Bank Interest Rate on Credit Card Plans NSA) average over theperiod is 14.73 percent (the average credit card interest rate reported in the SCF is 14.22 percent).
A judge must function at all times with the understanding that she serves the people in her courtroom, and not the other way around.