Examples of Bankfull depth in a sentence
The amount of forage required by an animal unit for 1 month.1 Bankfull depth – The depth of water in a stream as measured from the surface to the channel2 bottom when the water surface is even with the top of the stream bank.
The Table 2.2: Description of the peak-flow event scenarios used for the analysis (FD - Peak-flow event duration, Sk - Peak-flow skewness, FI - Peak-flow intensity, dbkf - Bankfull depth).
Bankfull depth was generally quite low (1.2-1.6 m) due to repeated fluvial avulsions and lateral instability.
This reflects the reality of a dynamic service that must adapt in response to changes in resources, staff leave or an increase in patient referrals.
Physical habitat data are presented for the dominant habitat type in the reach and averaged between habitat surveys completed in May and October (no surveys were completed in the summer) Reach Habitat Characteristics Reach Habitat Characteristics Notes: 1 No average presented for R1 Bankfull depth because depth was highly variable across the transect.
DA: Drainage area; Q: Bankfull discharge; R.I.: Return interval; W: Bankfull width; D: Bankfull depth; A: Bankfull Area Table 3: Regional Curve Data for Geomorphic Survey Sites (Continued).
Bankfull depth was achieved at Spring Creek control site I1 (drainage area of 3.0 km2) for rainfall amounts of about 60 mm or more during the wet season (Figure 3.7).