Casing definition
Examples of Casing in a sentence
The optional parameter Casing indicates whether the unit name is to be all upper-case letters, all lower-case letters, or mixed-case.
Although the above syntax indicates that the Casing argument must appear before the Dot_Replacement argument, but it is also permissible to write these arguments in the opposite order.As indicated, it is possible to specify different naming schemes for bodies, specs, and subunits.
If no Casing parameter is used, then the default is all lower-case.The optional Dot_Replacement string is used to replace any periods that occur in subunit or child unit names.
Casing that meets the requirements set forth in Subsection 900.02 (Table 2).
The Contractor will take sole responsibility of designing the well assembly and placing screen and casing at appropriate depths (Casing Tally) to match the positioning of the aquifer(s) which will be approved by Mercy Corps.