Flowgate definition
Examples of Flowgate in a sentence
The Notice must include an explanation of the reason(s) why the agreement to the M2M Redispatch Flowgate was withdrawn.
Once a Flowgate has been removed, it will no longer be eligible for M2M settlement.
The Notice must include an explanation of the reason(s) why the agreement to the Other Coordinated Flowgate was withdrawn.
The Parties must still mutually agree to remove a Flowgate, such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld.
The first step to determining the Market Flow on a Flowgate is to calculate generator, load and PAR shift factors for the each of the Flowgates.
NY-NJ PAR coordination can occur at any Flowgate and need not be formally invoked by either Party.
A Flowgate should be removed when the Parties agree that the relevant coordination processes are not, or will not be, an effective mechanism to manage congestion on that Flowgate.
Each Party shall calculate a M2M Entitlement on each M2M Redispatch Flowgate and compare the results at least once a year on a mutually agreed upon schedule.