Barrier 1 definition
Examples of Barrier 1 in a sentence
For equity instruments with market based vesting conditions, a Barrier 1 Valuation model is used.The fair value determined at the grant date of the equity-settled share-based payments is expensed on a straight-line basis over the vesting period, based on the consolidated entity’s estimate of equity instruments that will eventually vest.
COMMON RETROFIT BARRIERS * Y = Yes they address the barrier Figure 5: Transaction Structures and Common Energy Retrofit BarriersSource: UC Berkeley / UCLA School of Law convening Barrier #1: Lack of Standard Measurement andVerification of Energy Efficiency Savings Financing energy efficiency measures based on performance is only feasible if building owners, utilities and policy makers can accurately measure the energy saved by the retrofit.
For equity instruments with market based vesting conditions, a Barrier 1 Valuation model is used.
This barrier could fall under Barrier 1, but it is specifically addressing a lack of coordination and communication between integrators, manufacturers and suppliers by establishing a process capable to flow-down the IVHM OEM requirements to IVHM supply Chain requirements (Barrier 7).
Lack of IVHM field experience was identified as Barrier 1 and can be partially overcome by running cost-benefit analysis through a comprehensive enterprise model backed up by a flexible and representative decision process for parties involved in the definition, development and exploitation of the IVHM capability.In the Proposal phase (Section 3.2) the difficulty in defining the IVHM requirements was addressed (Barrier 2).
It is understandable that these metrics will have different weights for different stakeholders.The risk of the investment is essentially the probability of the IVHM system failing to perform as expected, principally due to the lack of in-service data (Barrier 1).
Barrier 1 involves impacted receptors along southbound I-69 between Fullerton Pike and Tapp Road.
Barrier 1: Fear of lack of control over product develop- mentMost companies consider their product-development roadm- ap to be an important differentiator and do not show willing- ness to disclose details of their next-generation products and solutions for fear of leakage to competitors.
As with Barrier 1, due to the concentration on biomass cooking in rural areas, there is a dearth of detailed understanding about the willingness and ability to pay for electric cooking in urban areas.
Harborview Lot #2 is one of seven subdivided parcels located in the 42 acre mixed-used site known as Harborview.