Signal definition

Signal means any transmission of radio frequency energy or of optical information.
Signal means any digital electrical or light impulses carried on the Cable System, whether one-way or bi-directional.
Signal means any AFS control signal as defined in Regulation No. 48 or, any additional control input to the system or, a control output from the system to the vehicle;

Examples of Signal in a sentence

  • CFP-MSA specifies the default function to be Receiver Loss of Signal (RX_LOS) indicator with active-high logic.

  • Xxxxxx Engineering will provide CAD data files as follows: • A detailed survey base map in OpenRoads (.DGN format) for use in developing Roadway Design and Traffic Signal Design plans; • An OpenRoads Designer Terrain model of the collected topography, including contours in 1’ intervals.

  • Traffic signal plans will consist of the following sheets: • Traffic Signal Legend • Traffic Signal General Notes • Summary of Traffic Signal Quantities • Traffic Signal Layout Traffic signal plans will be submitted at a scale of 1”=30’.

  • The Receiver Loss of Signal Pin (RX_LOS) is an output pin to the Host, operating with active-high logic.

More Definitions of Signal

Signal means a television or audio signal, other than a signal within the meaning of subsection 31(1) of the Act, retransmitted in accordance with subsection 31(2) of the Act; (« signal »)
Signal means any AFS control signal or any additional control input to the system or a control output from the system to the vehicle;
Signal means an electronically generated carrier capable of transmitting programmes;
Signal means any transmission of electromagnetic or optical energy which carries Programming from one location to another.
Signal means an electronically generated earner capable of transmitting programmes;
Signal means any transmission or reception of electronic, electrical, light or laser or radio frequency energy or optical information in either analog or digital format.
Signal means a signal that carries a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work and is transmitted for free reception by the public by a terrestrial radio or terrestrial television station.