Gray water means sewage from bathtubs, showers, bathroom sinks, washing machines, dishwashers, and kitchen sinks. It includes sewage from any source in a residence or structure that has not come into contact with toilet wastes.
Fresh water means water, such as tap water, that has not been previously used in a process operation or, if the water has been recycled from a process operation, it has been treated and meets the effluent guidelines for chromium wastewater.
Hot water means water at a temperature of 110°F. or higher.
Greywater means all liquid wastes from showers, baths, sinks, kitchens and domestic washing facilities, but does not include toilet wastes;
Ballast water means water with its suspended matter taken on board a ship to control trim, list, draught, stability or stresses of the ship.
Graywater means untreated wastewater that has not been contaminated by any toilet discharge, has not been affected by infectious, contaminated, or unhealthy bodily wastes, and does not present a threat from contamination by unhealthful processing, manufacturing, or operating wastes. “Graywater” includes, but is not limited to, wastewater from bathtubs, showers, bathroom washbasins, clothes washing machines, and laundry tubs, but does not include wastewater from kitchen sinks or dishwashers. Health and Safety Code Section 17922.12.
mean high water springs or “MHWS” means the highest level which spring tides reach on average over a period of time;
We/Us/Our means TATA AIG General Insurance Company Limited.
garden waste means organic waste which emanates from gardening or landscaping activities at residential, business or industrial premises including but not limited to grass cuttings, leaves, branches, and includes any biodegradable material and excludes waste products of animal origin and bulky waste;
Qard means a contract of lending money whereby the borrower is obliged to repay the equivalent amount to lender.
Receiving water means any lake, river, stream or wetland that receives stormwater discharges from an MS4.
Potable water means water which meets the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 604 for drinking, culinary, and domestic purposes.
Estuary means a semi-enclosed, naturally existing coastal body of water which has a free connection with the open sea and within which seawater is measurably diluted with fresh water derived from riverine systems. [Section 373.403(15), F.S.]
Transportation Company means any organization which provides its own or its leased vehicles for transportation or which provides freight forwarding or air express services.
L.S.D. means lysergic acid diethylamide.
Navigable waters ’ means the waters of the United States, including the territorial sea;
Pioneer or the "Company" means Pioneer Natural Resources Company and its subsidiaries.
Crane means any self-propelled vehicle to which has been permanently mounted or attached any crane, whether or not such vehicle was originally a truck, tractor, or other type of motor vehicle or was designed and built as a complete crane unit. However, the word "crane," as herein defined, shall not be construed to mean any truck or other vehicle equipped with or to which has been affixed any device used for the purpose of providing a means for towing other vehicles.
Stormwater management planning area means the geographic area for which a stormwater management planning agency is authorized to prepare stormwater management plans, or a specific portion of that area identified in a stormwater management plan prepared by that agency.
Freshwater means all waters not defined as saltwater
Receiving waters means the waters of the state into which point and non-point sources flow.
CSW means Clinical Social Worker and refers to an individual who meets the minimum professional and licensure requirements set forth in Title 9, CCR, Section 625, and has two (2) years of post-master's clinical experience in a mental health setting.
Accenture means the Accenture entity that is a party to the Agreement and its Affiliates (collectively, “Accenture”).
Freeboard means a factor of safety usually expressed in feet above a flood level for purposes of floodplain management. "Freeboard" tends to compensate for the many unknown factors that could contribute to flood heights greater than the height calculated for a selected size flood and floodway conditions, such as wave action, blockage of bridge or culvert openings, and the hydrological effect of urbanization of the watershed.
Embalmer means any person engaged in the practice of embalming.
Stormwater management plan means the set of drawings and other documents that comprise all the information and specifications for the programs, drainage systems, structures, BMPs, concepts and techniques intended to maintain or restore quality and quantity of stormwater runoff to pre-development levels.