Base Year definition

Base Year means the period set forth in Section 5 of the Summary.
Base Year means the complete school year in which voters of a
Base Year means the last privilege period ending prior to July 31, 2019.

Examples of Base Year in a sentence

  • Divide the Base Year SMMUSD total Unrestricted General Fund Revenues, as calculated in 5.a.ii., by the SMMUSD Enrollment in the year prior to the Separation Date, to determine the “SMMUSD Unadjusted Per Pupil Revenue”, as demonstrated in Step 3 of Exhibit C.

  • For the Base Year, a calculation will be completed to determine the Property Tax Transfer Amount pursuant to Section 5 hereof.

  • Divide the Base Year SMUSD Funding Target, as calculated in Section 5(c)(i), by the SMUSD Computed Enrollment in the year commencing with the Separation Date to determine the Base Year Target SMUSD Per Pupil Revenue, as demonstrated in Step 12 of Exhibit C.

  • By October 15, immediately following the Separation Date, the following calculation shall be completed by the JPA to determine the Base Year Property Tax Transfer Amount.

  • Determine the Base Year Property Tax Transfer Amount by completing the following calculation, as shown in Exhibit C: i.

More Definitions of Base Year

Base Year means, in the case of a person who is an eligible
Base Year means, for the purpose of determining incremental property tax available to fund in part the jobs training agreement, the assessment rolls as of January 1 of the year preceding the first written agreement filed with the county assessor where the property is located or such other valuation as may be determined by the appropriate assessor as provided in Iowa Code section 403.19(1)“c.”
Base Year means the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters preceding the
Base Year means the taxable year prior to the taxable
Base Year means the financial year immediately preceding the first year of the Control Period and used for the purposes of these regulations;
Base Year is defined as the calendar year in which the Lease term commences.
Base Year means the calendar year 1997.