Examples of Basic Letter Service in a sentence
Prior to providing any Basic Letter Service to a Customer, a Licensee must disclose to that Customer the prices, terms and conditions (including quality of service) on which the Licensee provides the service.
The Licensee may fulfil this duty by publishing, in a form available to the public, the prices, terms and conditions of that Basic Letter Service no later than the day on which the Licensee begins to provide the service.
Licensees must not enter into Horizontal Agreements to set the price that one or more Licensees will charge for any Basic Letter Service and/or restrict the total quantity of Basic Letter Services that one or more Licensees will offer, regardless of the levels to which the Licensees agree.
A Licensee that has been classified as a Dominant Licensee in a Basic Letter Services market must provide the Basic Letter Service in that market on an unbundled basis.
Specifically, the Dominant Licensee must not require that, as a condition for purchasing such a Basic Letter Service, a Customer must also purchase any other Postal Service or non-postal service or equipment.
Any Licensee may enter into a Network Access Agreement with a Mandated Licensee, pursuant to which the Licensee may obtain any Mandated Service for the provision of any domestic Basic Letter Service and/or Direct Mail Service to recipients in Singapore, including domestic delivery of inbound international Basic Letters and/or Direct Mail.
A Licensee must not take any action, or induce any other party to take any action, that has the effect of degrading the availability or quality of another Licensee’s Basic Letter Service in Singapore or raising the other Licensee’s costs, without a legitimate business, operational or technical justification.
Without prejudice to the foregoing, sections 3.4 and 5 of this Code apply to all such entities when they provide a Basic Letter Service and a Direct Mail Service for Direct Mail of up to 500 grams in weight.
All Licensees must comply with the following obligations when providing any Basic Letter Service, and in addition, comply with the obligations set out in section 3.4 when providing any Direct Mail Service.
Every entity to which IDA grants a licence under section 6 of the Act for the provision of a Basic Letter Service in Singapore must comply with the applicable provisions of this Code.