Examples of Batch 2 in a sentence
Particular attention was paid to the data and recommendations contained in the PPTA for Batch 1 and 3 Pourashavas and the SPAR reports for Batch 2 Pourashavas, which have been further reviewed and site verified in advance of progressing with the detailed design and IEE study conducted by the Consultant.
Solid Waste Management Component: Selection of SWM schemes is comprises procurement of rickshaw vans and proposals landfill and resource recovery sites, as detailed in the PPTA for Batch 1 and Batch 3 Pourashavas; and SPAR, for Batch 2 Pourashavas, which shall be part of an overall integrated development plan.
Sanitation Component: Selection of sanitation schemes shall not be solely confined to proposals for public and/or community level toilet blocks, as detailed in the PPTA for Batch 1 and Batch 3 Pourashavas; and SPAR, for Batch 2 Pourashavas, which shall be incorporated into an overall development plan including proposed development of the solid waste management and related drainage components.
To date, Focus Group Discussions have been held for each component of the CTEIP infrastructural development programme and for scheme locations under the Batch 1, Batch 2 and Batch 3 CTEIP development programmes.
Land acquisition procedures have continued during the reported period pertaining to Water Supply and Sanitation/SWM components of the CTEIP development programme, which have been to completion for the Batch 1 and Batch 2 Pourashavas, according to the GoB statutory regulations and requirements.
Only if there were posts remaining following clearing and no Batch 1 candidates, would we open recruitment to Batch 2 candidates.
Table 4- 1: Batch 1: Record of Focus Group DiscussionsSL NOName of PourashavaNumber of FGD’sPackage NoParticipantTotal Refer to Table 4- 2 for a summarized record of the FDG’s held to date for the scheduled and awarded contract packages under the Batch 2 development programme.
The reference profile is a 100 mg/ml DAC HYP preparation and Batch 1 and Batch 2 correspond to 150 mg/ml DAC HYP preparations.
Based on the Project description, baseline data and the Social Impacts, as included in this SSMR for the awarded Contract Packages, are given in Annexure 1.7 for the 4 Batch 1 package: MAT/BLS/01; PIR/BLS/01; GAL/BLS/01; AMT/BLS/01; 3 Batch 2 package: BAR/BLS/01; KAL/BLS/01; DAU/BLS/01; inclusive of the detailed social safeguard related indicators versus the related impacts, mitigation measures for negative impacts, various responsibilities, monitoring indicators and frequency of such monitoring.
Candidates who are due to graduate from an EEA University will be classed as Batch 2.