Examples of Lot or batch number in a sentence
Lot or batch number (if there is serialization within the lot or batch number).
Lot or batch number means an identifying number assigned by the enterprise to a designated group of items, usually referred to as either a lot or a batch, all of which were manufactured under identical conditions.
Lot or batch number (if there is serial- ization within the lot or batch number).
The 500 ml bottles containing simulator solution must be tamper proof and labeled with the following: Lot or batch number, value of the reference sample in g/210L, and date of preparation and/or the expiration which must not be longer than one year from the date of preparation.
Certificate of Analysis at a minimum to include: Lot or batch number, Concentration in Percent and acceptable range, Carbonate content, Chloride as Sodium Chloride in percent, Iron concentration not to exceed 5 mg/L, Specific Gravity @ 60oF and acceptable range.
Medicines: a) Trade name; b) Manufacturer's name and manufacturing location; c) Lot or batch number or code; d) Date of manufacture; and e) Expiration date.
SC-9 Limited Shelf Life Materials: With each delivery of materials on this Purchase Order that have a limited or specified shelf life, the Supplier shall furnish the following data: ▪ Cure or manufacture date,▪ Expiration date or shelf life,▪ Lot or batch number, and▪ When applicable, any special storage requirements and/or handling procedures.
External Providers shall include on all certifications and/or packing slips the following: Type of material, Expiration date, Lot or batch number, Manufacturers date.22External Providers shall practice FOD prevention methods and maintain a FOD prevention program.23The External provider must be certified by Nadcap24For testing & solution analysis providers will be Nadcap accredited to AC7101(MTL), Accreditation body recognized by MTL.
For example, cross-border trade bottlenecks, migration, the spread of plant and animal diseases, and recurrent droughts, cannot be effectively addressed by a single country because these challenges do not respect borders.
SC-9 Limited Shelf Life Materials: With each delivery of materials on this Purchase Order that have a limited or specified shelf life, the Supplier shall furnish the following data: Cure or manufacture date, Expiration date or shelf life, Lot or batch number, and When applicable, any special storage requirements and/or handling procedures.