Benchmark Statement definition
Examples of Benchmark Statement in a sentence
Benchmarks are exclusively covered in the Benchmark Statement of EEX AG, which is available on the website of EEX AG (, this document does not have in scope the calculation procedures of Daily Settlement Prices for derivatives or premiums for options that are tradable at EEX or EEX OTF.
In this way, Sociedad de Bolsas undertakes to review the Benchmark Statement at least every two years.
Nothing contained in this Benchmark Statement should be construed as an offer or solicitation of any transaction.
The QAA Subject Benchmark Statement - Business and Management 2015 articulates the knowledge, skills and categories of achievement to be expected of successful honours graduates in the field.
Indices provided by EEX AG that qualify as benchmarks under Regulation (EU) 1011/20016 (“Benchmark Regulation”) are exclusively covered in the Benchmark Statement of EEX AG, which is available on the website of EEX AG ( Settlement Prices are determined on the basis of trades concluded at EEX and/or orders entered into the trading system during a specified period of time (hereinafter referred to as Settlement Price Window).