Examples of Benefit to the State in a sentence
Benefit to the State Was Tiny: $155,520., THE NEW YORK TIMES (May 1, 2019) (reporting that influential Democratic lawyer obtained changes in Economic Opportunity Act legislation that directed tax benefits to politically connected businesses with no public disclosure).
Option 3 (Allocation Based on Economic Benefit to the State) (c) (d) Allocation by the state of a commission authorized TAC for nearshore fish stocks will be based on either the Maximized Net Economic Value to the public, less the resource cost, or the economic contribution of the fishery sectors as described in the Nearshore FMP.NOTEAuthority cited: Section 7071, Fish and Game Code.
Applications will be scored based on the following criteria: Alignment of the application with the CALF purposes, goals, objectives, eligibility and funding requirements as described in Sections 2 and 3 of this RFA; Quality of the responses to the requirements of this RFA as outlined in Appendix C (Application); Financial review; Technology and market review; and Benefit to the State.
Review of Economic Benefit to the State Final Point CalculationSection 1 (no more than 3)0 pointsSection 2 (no more than 3)2 pointsSection 3 (no more than 4)4 pointsTotal (no more than 10)6 points Reviewer Name: Denise Whitney Dahlke Reviewer Agency: Oregon Dept.
Economic Benefit to the State of Maryland The Offeror shall describe the benefits that will accrue to the Maryland economy as a direct or indirect result of the successful Offeror’s performance of the contract resulting from this RFP.
Name of Traveler: Title: Department: Email: Phone: Departure date from US (mm/dd/yyyy): Return date to the US (mm/dd/yyyy): Destination Country: Destination City: Purpose of Trip/Project and Benefit to the State of Texas:(If applicable please provided the full name(s) of the conference(s) you plan to attend during this trip/project.
Review of Economic Benefit to the State Final Point CalculationSection 1 (no more than 3)2 pointsSection 2 (no more than 3)2 pointsSection 3 (no more than 4)3 pointsTotal (no more than 10)7 points Reviewer Name: Denise Whitney Dahlke Reviewer Agency: Oregon Dept.
Economic Benefit to the State of Maryland Each proposal submitted in response to this solicitation must describe the benefits that will accrue to the Maryland economy as a direct result of the Offeror’s performance of the contract resulting from the solicitation.