Examples of BES 1 in a sentence
B Funding has been provided by the Welsh Government to bus operators in Wales pursuant to the Bus Hardship Funding letter dated 2 April 2020, the Bus Emergency Scheme 1 letter ("BES 1") and Bus Emergency Scheme 1.5 letter ("BES 1.5") which provided money to bus operators (including the Operator) through the Lead Authority on behalf of its Constituent Local Authorities.
BES 1 (Bus Emergency Scheme) was introduced that imposed some conditions on bus operators in return for funding that lasted for a month to the end of July 2020.
Severance pay after dismissal SEVERANCE ORDINANCE (CESSANTIA Wet BES) 1.
There are three modes of (TES): sensible heat storage (SHS), latent heat storage (LHS), and bond energy storage (BES) [1].
Lead-Acid batteries are currently the most widely used in industry for BES [1, 5, 10].
The Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC) and the Beijing Spectrometer (BES) [1], [2] are upgraded to BEPC Ⅱ and BES Ⅲ [3]-[5] respectively since the summer of 2008.
Under the bus hardship fund, BES 1 and BES 1.5 profit was not permitted through the reconciliation process.
They were inoculated with 100 mL fresh sludge and incubated at 37 ºC and consisted of: (a) SMWW (10 g/L methanol), (b) SMWW + BES (1 g/L), (c) FC (200 mL, undiluted), (d) FC + BES (1 g/L).
These measure- ments can be made with a variety of plasma diagnostics, including beam emission spectroscopy (BES) [1], phase contrast imaging (PCI) [2], and reflectometry [3–5].
BES (1 dm3) was shaken overnight with diesel fuel (50 cm3) and the aqueous fraction was recovered using a separating funnel.