BI PHARMA KG definition
Examples of BI PHARMA KG in a sentence
VIDARA shall reimburse BI RCV for the costs of such COMPONENTS destroyed or provided to VIDARA to the extent the amount of COMPONENTS that would have been reasonably required for DI RCV and/or BI PHARMA KG to maintain in inventory in order to meet its obligations under this Agreement (consistent with its obligations under Section 4.2 hereof with respect to the COMPONENTS).
BI PHARMA KG shall maintain (for safety reasons in two different buildings) the Cell Line in safe and secure storage under its control in its facilities and shall not permit the transfer of the Cell Line to any third party that is not specifically authorized in writing by IMCLONE (except to a contract laboratory used for the characterization of the MCB or MWCB under substantially the same requirement of confidentiality).
BI PHARMA KG shall be entitled to rely upon any instructions or directives provided by the IMCLONE Project Manager or the IMCLONE Project Manager's supervisor and, subject to Sections 4.5 and 4.7 below shall not be responsible for failure to achieve any objective or the inability to adhere to any guideline due to technical failures, incomplete direction or documentation of Process variables, or other causes beyond the control of BI PHARMA KG.
BI PHARMA KG and IMCLONE may confer to determine if additional work relating to Phase I or Phase II should be undertaken pursuant to subsequent agreement between BI PHARMA KG and IMCLONE.
All Product produced in the course of the Project shall be retained by BI PHARMA KG and stored under conditions specified by IMCLONE (and reasonably acceptable to BI PHARMA KG) not longer than 1 (one) year, and delivered to IMCLONE as instructed by IMCLONE and at the cost and risk of IMCLONE.
The cost of commercially available materials purchased by IMCLONE for use at BI PHARMA KG to support development in GLP and cGMP shall be creditable to the applicable invoice.
IMCLONE hereby grants to BI PHARMA KG a limited, non-exclusive right and license, without the right to sublicense, to use IMCLONE Confidential Information, including but not limited to the Cell Line and Process, solely for the purpose of enabling BI PHARMA KG to carry out its tasks and responsibilities under this Agreement with respect to the Project.
In the absence of explicit instructions from IMCLONE, BI PHARMA KG shall be entitled to employ its reasonable judgment in carrying out the Project.
Every applicant for a building permit, zoning permit, excavation permit, filling permit, mining permit, sign permit, wetlands activities permit, plat approval, minor subdivision approval, permit for construction of utilities systems, or permit for any land disturbing activities must submit a storm water management plan to the Zoning Administrator.
BI PHARMA KG will quarantine and test samples of the Cell Line already provided to it in order to verify that the Cell Line is suitable for introduction into BI PHARMA KG's facilities.