Examples of BID Members in a sentence
Only minor amendments can be made to the BID arrangements without seeking formal approval from the BID Members.
A resolution proposing an alteration to the BID Proposal shall only be passed on a majority vote of the BID Members.
These are sub-groups to the Board and are formed from BID Members, who are responsible for developing detailed project budgets for their group, which are then passed to the Board for approval.
A Director is required to be a duly authorised representative of a BID Member unless the Board in their absolute discretion shall determine that a proposed Director can properly represent a relevant sector of BID Members.
Use the buying power of the BID to provide reduced utility and insurance costs; gain increased networking and advertising opportunities; free listing of BID Members on the Visit Plymouth and PWP websites and membership of Destination Plymouth; reduced cost of Chamber of Commerce and Federation of Small Businesses membership; create a Privilege Card for all Waterfront businesses, with promotional offers on entertainment, food and shopping.
An audit and an- nual report of the BID budget was given to the council previ- ously.”Council President Petrick then questioned, “Have the BID con- sidered reducing the amount of payment the BID Members had to pay because of Covid?”Colon mentioned that they haven’t.
Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the parliamentary procedures at all meetings when not in conflict with these Bylaws except that there shall be no minimum number of BID Members necessary to attend any meeting by a majority vote of the BID Members present.
BID Levy Payers means those who are responsible for paying the BID Levy.BID Levy Members means those BID Levy payers who have provided written confirmation to the Company that they wish to be formally admitted as BID Members.
Following agreement at the September Town Council Meeting that the Council apply to become a ‘Class B’ member of the Bognor Regis BID, Members considered at their meeting in October the appointment of a Representative to be nominated as a ‘Class B’ member to the Bognor Regis BID, on behalf of the Town Council, and a Reserve Representative, to act as the named proxy, should the Representative be unavailable.
BID Members can recommend future BID Board members appointments to the BID Board.