Biodiesel blend means a fuel comprised of a blend of biodiesel fuel with petroleum-based diesel fuel, suitable for use as a fuel in a compression-ignition internal combustion diesel engine.
Manufacturing Facilities means facilities engaged in the mechanical or chemical transformation of materials or substances into new products and shall include:
Generating Facilities means Interconnection Customer’s device for the production and/or storage for later injection of electricity identified in the Interconnection Request, but shall not include the Interconnection Customer’s Interconnection Facilities.
Biodiesel fuel means a renewable, biodegradable, mono alkyl ester combustible liquid fuel derived from agricultural plant oils or animal fat such as, but not limited to, soybean oil. For purposes of this definition, “biodiesel fuel” must also meet the specifications of American Society for Testing and Material Specifications (ASTM) D 6751-02, “Standard Specification for Biodiesel Fuel (B100) Blend Stock for Distillate Fuels,” and be registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a fuel and a fuel additive under Section 211(b) of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. Sections 7401, et seq. as amended through November 15, 1990.
Production Facilities (7 9) means "production equipment" and specially designed software therefor integrated into installations for "development" or for one or more phases of "production".
Project Facilities means all the amenities and facilities situated on the Site, as described in Schedule-C;
Ethanol means a high octane gasoline blend stock that is used to make various grades of gasoline.
New Facilities means facilities for which, by the cut-off date, neither of the following events has occurred:
Generating Facility means Developer’s device for the production of electricity identified in the Interconnection Request, but shall not include the Developer’s Attachment Facilities.
Projects means the projects identified in Exhibit A to the Agreement and all other projects, any costs of which are included in a Transitional Capital Plan pursuant to the Act or are Recovery Costs, and financed, by payment or reimbursement, with the proceeds of Bonds or Notes.
Wastewater Facilities means the structures, equipment, and processes required to collect, carry away, and treat domestic and industrial wastes and dispose of the effluent.
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel means diesel fuel that has a sulfur content of no more than fifteen parts per million.
Public facilities means amenities that are—
Gasification means the substoichiometric oxidation or steam reformation of a substance to produce a gaseous mixture containing two or more of the following: (i) oxides of carbon; (ii) methane; and (iii) hydrogen;
Cannabis plant means any plant of the genus Cannabis;
Biodiesel means a fuel composed of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats, and, in accordance with standards specified by the American society for testing and materials, designated B100, and meeting the requirements of D-6751, as approved by the department.
Marijuana testing facility means an entity licensed to analyze and certify the safety and potency of marijuana.
generating plant means the generating facility described in Schedule 1 as amended from time to time;
Railroad facilities means right of way and related
Project Water means water made available for delivery to the contractors by project conservation facilities and the transportation facilities included in the System.
Construction Phase Services means the coordination, implementation and execution of the Work required by this Agreement, which are further defined in Article 8.
Construction Plant means appliances, machinery with necessary supply to up keep and maintenance of the works or temporary works but dose not include materials or other things intended to form part of the permanent work.
Cannabis processing facility means a person that:
Project means the goods or Services described in the Signature Document or a Work Order of this Contract.
Other Facilities means athletic stadiums, swimming pools, ice rinks, any associated structures or related equipment tied to such facilities including, but not limited to, grandstands and night field lights, greenhouses, facilities used for non-instructional or non-educational purposes, and any structure, building, or facility used solely for school administration;
Interconnection Facilities means the Transmission Owner Interconnection Facilities and the Customer Interconnection Facilities.