Biometric Identifiers definition

Biometric Identifiers means (without limitation) retina or iris scans, fingerprints, voiceprint, or scan of hand or face geometry, as well as data generated by automatic measurements of an individual’s biological characteristics or other unique biological patterns that is used to identify a specific individual. Biometric Identifiers do not include: (i) writing samples, written signatures, photographs, human biological samples used for valid scientific testing or screening, demographic data, tattoo descriptions or physical descriptions such as height, weight, hair color or eye color; (ii) information captured from a patient in a health care setting or information collected, used or stored for health care treatment, payment or operations under the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA); (iii) biological materials regulated under the Genetic Information Privacy Act (GINA); or (iv) X-rays, MRIs or other image or film of the human anatomy used for diagnosis, treatment or scientific testing or screening.
Biometric Identifiers means data generated by the technological processing, measurement, or analysis of an individual’s biological, physical, or behavioral characteristics that can be Processed for the purpose of uniquely identifying an individual, including but not limited to a fingerprint, a voiceprint, eye retinas, irises, facial mapping, facial geometry, facial templates, or other unique biological, physical, or behavioral patterns or characteristics.
Biometric Identifiers means data generated by the technological processing, measurement, or analysis of an individual’s biological, physical, or behavioral characteristics, including but not limited to a fingerprint, a voiceprint, eye retinas, irises, facial mapping, facial geometry, facial templates, or other unique biological, physical, or behavioral patterns or characteristics.

Examples of Biometric Identifiers in a sentence

  • Biometric Identifiers .................................................................................XV-7 4.

  • Biometric Identifiers .................................................................................XV-8 4.

  • Class Members are persons who worked or are currently working for HHS in Illinois and had their Biometric Identifiers and/or Biometric Information collected, captured, received, or otherwise obtained or disclosed by HHS or its agent(s) from November 30, 2015 to November 30, 2020.

  • Biometric Identifiers are observable biological characteristics which could be used to identify an individual, e.g., fingerprints, iris/retina patterns, and facial patterns.

  • For further discussion, see CRS Report RS21916, Biometric Identifiers and Border Security: 9/11 Commission Recommendations and Related Issues, by Daniel Morgan and William J.

More Definitions of Biometric Identifiers

Biometric Identifiers means DNA, written signature, computer navigation (mouse or touchpad) pattern, keystroke pattern, behavioral pattern, retinal scan, eyeball scan, iris scan, fingerprint, footprint, voiceprint, vascular scan, hand geometry scan, face geometry scan, or any other personally identifiable measurable biological characteristic of a natural person. “Biometric identifiers” includes any similarly- defined term(s) included in any state or federal statute that includes any of the “biometric identifiers,” or similar term(s), set out above.
Biometric Identifiers means unique biological traits such as retinas, ϰϟ· Ϫϧϋ ΔΑΎϳϧϟΎ ΕϼϣΎόϣϟ΍ ΩΎϣΗϋϹ ϥϣ ϝϳϣόϟ΍ ϥϋ ΔΑ ΔϠΛΎϣ Δϣ ϳ ϣϝϗ΋έΎϟγ ΍ ϭ Ε ϟΔΎΔ ΍ϳ ϣϳϓϝ˭ϯέ ˭ϥϳέΣΑϟ΍ ϥ Δϳϛ΍ έ Ϡ̂ Σ ϣ˺Α ˻ϣ ΔϳϣϧΗϠϟ ϥ ϳϙ έϧ ϟ Σ Α΍ ˺Α ˹ ϟ˺ ΍˻ ϥϳέΣΑϟ΍ ϲϓ ϡϝ Ο γ Ώεϡϣ ϡΩϘϳϭ ϱίϛέϣϟ΍ ϥ ϭΣ ϧ ϟϝ΍ϳ ϣϰ όΔϠϟϳϋ΍ϣϗ έϰ ϟ ΍·Ε ϟ˭ϝϳΟγΗϟ ΍Ω Ω Δγγ΅ϣ ϭ΃ Ω Ωϳ έϔ ϓΗ ˺ γ˺ ϱϣ˺ ΃ϟ˻˭ ϝ΍ϭϣϸϟ ˱ϼϳϭΣΗ ϱέΟϳ ϭ΃ ΔόϓΩ ϝϳϣόϟ΍ ϡϬϳϟ· ϝγέϳ Ω Δ λϳ ϘϭϳϬϠϟ ΓΩΩΣ ϣ ˺ ϟ˻ ˺΍ ˻irises, voices, facial characteristics and ΔϳΣίϗϭ ϥϳόϟ΍ Δϳfingerprints that is used to verify the Client's identity or the Authorised Users and shall operate as security for theAccount, which are stored on an electronic ϊΑΎλϷ΍ ΕΎϣλΑϭ Ϫ ϥϳϣΩΧΗγϣϟ΍ ϭ΃ ϝϳϣόϟ΍ Δϳϭϫ ϥϣ ϖϘΣΗϠϟ ϡΩΧΗγ˵Η ϲΗϟ΍device, such as a smart phone or computer; ϲΗϟ΍ϭ ˬ ΏΎγΣϠϟ ϑΗΎϬϟ΍ ίΎϬΟ ϝΛϣ ˭έ ϣΗϛϭϟϳ΍Α
Biometric Identifiers means personal data resulting from specific technical processing relating to the physical or physiological characteristics of a natural person, which allow or confirm the unique identification of that natural person (facial images,
Biometric Identifiers data' means personal data resulting from specific technical processing relating to the physical, physiological or behavioural characteristics of a natural person, which allow or confirm the unique identification of that natural per-son, such as facial images or dactyloscopic data; 1
Biometric Identifiers means fingerprints, palm veins, face
Biometric Identifiers means (without limitation) retina or iris scans, fingerprints, voiceprint, or scan of hand or face geometry, as well as data generated by automatic measurements of an individual’s biological characteristics or other unique biological patterns that is used to identify a specific individual. Biometric Identifiers do not include: (i) writing samples, written signatures, photographs, human biological samples used for valid scientific testing or screening, demographic data, tattoo descriptions or physical
Biometric Identifiers means a retina or iris scan, fingerprint, voiceprint, or scan of hand or face geometry. It does not include writing samples, written signatures, photographs, human biological samples used for valid scientific testing or screening, demographic data, tattoo descriptions, or physical descriptions such as height, weight, hair color or eye color. Biometric identifiers do not include information captured from a patient in a health care setting or information collected, used, or stored for health care treatment, payment or operations under the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.