Examples of Bokoni Mine in a sentence
Capital work-in-progress consists of mine development and infrastructure costs relating to the Bokoni Mine and will be transferred to property, plant and equipment when the relevant projects are commissioned.
Anglo American Platinum has agreed to fund, directly or indirectly, via a loan account to Bokoni Mine, 51% of all one-off costs associated with placing Bokoni Mine on care and maintenance, as well as ongoing care and maintenance costs, up until December 31, 2019.
Pursuant to the terms of various shared services agreements, the Anglo American Platinum group of companies will continue to provide certain services to Bokoni Mine at a cost that is no greater than the costs charged to any other Anglo American Platinum group company for the same or similar services.
The Bokoni Shareholders have therefore agreed to implement the 2017 Restructure Plan as the most appropriate strategy, having regard to long term asset value preservation and potential future sustainability of Bokoni Mine.
The immediate to medium term outlook for Bokoni Mine remains negative, given the current weak PGM pricing environment which is expected to remain under pressure for the foreseeable future.In addition to investigating the various mine re-configuration options, the Bokoni Shareholders have also actively investigated various potential funding and corporate ownership alternatives, including seeking to introduce new funding partners and/or a disposal of Bokoni Mine.
The following summary describes the operations in each of the Group’s reportable segments:• Bokoni Mine – Mining of PGM’s.• Projects – Mining exploration in Kwanda exploration projects.
Relationships Related partyNature of relationshipRPMThe Group concluded a number of shared services agreements between Bokoni Mine and RPM, a wholly owned subsidiary of Anglo American Platinum and a 49% shareholder in Bokoni Holdco.
Management has assessed the impact of the above-mentioned standards, and do not believe that there will be a significant impact to the financial statements given the current care and maintenance phase of Bokoni Mine.
Bokoni Mine restructure planNotwithstanding various attempts since 2014 to restructure the Bokoni Mine through, inter alia, shaft closures and other measures in order to achieve profitability, Bokoni Mine’s operations remained cash negative.Prior to July 2017, the Group and Anglo American Platinum (the “Bokoni Shareholders”), together with Bokoni Mine’s management, have continued to investigate a range of further mine re-configuration options.
GOING CONCERN continued2017 Restructure PlanThe salient terms of the Letter Agreement are as follows: Phase 1:• Atlatsa to place the Bokoni Mine on care and maintenance;• Anglo American Platinum to fund all costs associated with the care and maintenance process up until December 31, 2019; and• Anglo American Platinum to suspend servicing and repayment of all current and future debt owing by the Group until December 31, 2019 (“Debt Standstill”).