Other Minerals definition

Other Minerals means sulphur, lignite, coal, uranium, thorium, iron, geothermal steam, water, carbon dioxide, helium and all other minerals, ores or substances of value whether or not generally produced from a wellbore in conjunction with the production of oil and gas.
Other Minerals means clay, stone, sand, gravel, metalliferous and nonmetalliferous ores, oil shale and oil extracted from shale by an in situ process, and any other solid material or substances of commercial value excavated in solid form from natural deposits on or in the earth, exclusive of coal and those minerals which occur naturally in liquid or gaseous form.
Other Minerals means clay, stone, sand, gravel, metalliferous and nonmetalliferous ores, and other solid materials or substances of commercial value excavated in solid form from natural deposits on or in the earth, exclusive of coal and those minerals that occur naturally in liquid or gaseous form.

Examples of Other Minerals in a sentence

  • For a mining area where coal has been extracted for a period of less than two years, up to an amount that would represent a 12-month supply of the coal required for future sales, transfer or use as calculated based on the average amount of coal sold, transferred or used each month.(b) Other minerals.

  • Other minerals and deep-lying lead and zinc minerals.AUTHORITY: Sec.

  • Other minerals quarried on a smaller scale are clay and building stone, which are worked mainly in the NYCC area, although two building stone quarries exist in the National Park.

  • Other minerals produced in the area include Andalusite, which is mined by Rhino Mine and limestone for the production of cement by Pretoria Portland Cement (PPC).

  • Other minerals or rights (such as farming rights, hunting rights, quarrying rights) Explain: Note to Buyer: Before entering into an agreement of sale, Buyer can investigate the status of these rights by, among other means, engaging legal counsel, obtaining a title examination of unlimited years and searching the official records in the county Office of the Recorder of Deeds, and elsewhere.

More Definitions of Other Minerals

Other Minerals means clay, stone, sand, gravel, metalliferous and nonmetalliferous ores, and any other solid material or substances of commercial value occurring within five hundred feet [152.4 meters] or less of the land surface and which are excavated in solid form from natural deposits on or in the earth, exclusive of coal or commercial leonardite and those minerals which occur naturally in liquid or gaseous form.
Other Minerals means any and all marketable metal bearing material in whatever form or state (including ore) that is mined, produced, extracted or otherwise recovered from any location that is not within the Properties.
Other Minerals means ores or other minerals mined, produced, extracted or otherwise recovered from properties that are not one of or do not constitute part of the Mining Properties.
Other Minerals means any commer- cially valuable substance mined for its mineral value, excluding coal, topsoil, waste and fill material.§ 702.10 Information collection.The collections of information con- tained in §§ 702.11, 702.12, 702.13, 702.15and 702.18 of this part have been ap- proved by the Office of Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. and assigned clearance number 1029– 0089. The information will be used to determine the initial and continuing applicability of the incidental mining exemption to a particular mining oper- ation. Response is required to obtain and maintain the incidental mining ex- emption in accordance with section 701(28) of the Act.Public reporting burden for this col- lection of information is estimated to average one hour per response, includ- ing the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gath- ering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the col- lection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of infor- mation, including suggestions for re- ducing the burden, to Information Col- lection Clearance Officer, OSM Depart- ment of the Interior, 1951 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20240; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (1029–0089), OMB, Washington, DC 20503.§ 702.11 Application requirements and procedures.(a)(1) Any person who plans to com- mence or continue coal extraction after April 1, 1990, under a Federal pro- gram or on Indian lands, or after the effective date of counterpart provisions in a State program, in reliance on the incidental mining exemption shall file a complete application for exemption with the regulatory authority for each mining area.(2) Following incorporation of an ex- emption application approval process into a regulatory program, a person may not commence coal extraction based upon the exemption until the regulatory authority approves such ap- plication, except as provided in para- graph (e)(3) of this section.(b) Existing operations. Any person who has commenced coal extraction at a mining area in reliance upon the in- cidental mining exemption prior to April 1, 1990, in a State with a Federal program or on Indian lands, or prior to the effective date of counterpart provi- sions in a State program, may continue mining operations for 60 days after such effective date. Coal extraction may not continue after such 60-day pe- riod unless that person files...
Other Minerals means all minerals other than Primary Minerals, whether or not similar to Primary Minerals or found or produced in association with Primary Minerals, including all existing and future ores, minerals, mineral elements and compounds, veins, lodes and mineral deposits; whether solid, liquid or gaseous; whether organic or inorganic, metallic or nonmetallic, hydrocarbonaceous or non-hydrocarbonaceous; including rock, gravel, sand, methane, water, and geothermal steam, geothermal heat and geothermal resources.
Other Minerals means all other metals and Minerals and rock and stone materials except for Precious Metals.
Other Minerals. ’ means clay, stone, sand, gravel, metalliferous and nonmetallifer- ous ores, and any other solid material or sub- stances of commercial value excavated in solid form from natural deposits on or in the earth, exclusive of coal and those minerals which occur naturally in liquid or gaseous form;