Bond definition
Examples of Bond in a sentence
Structured Payment Mechanism The Issuer would, starting from the 1st day of each quarterly servicing cycle, remit on every working day an amount equivalent to 2.00% of the aggregate servicing requirement for such quarterly servicing cycle of outstanding bonds issued to KFC Bond Servicing Account Series I 2023.
In the event of such shortfall in KFC BOND SERVICING ACCOUNT SERIES I 2023 not getting fully bridged through payments by KFC by T-10th day, the Debenture Trustee would on T-9th day meet such shortfall by transferring funds from the KFC DSRA BOND SERIES I 2023 and make the necessary payments to the Bond Holders on the due date.
The Securities shall be delivered in definitive form, duly executed by the Issuer and authenticated in the manner set forth in the Bond Legislation or the Issuer Documents, together with the other documents identified in Schedule V of the BPA Terms and Acceptance.
Bond prints and digital files in .DWG format and scanned .tif file: plan shall be signed by registered professional engineer and printed on bod, on standard “D” size sheet in accordance with current City Plan Standards.
Issue Price per Bond 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 5,00,000 Friday, 24 March, 2023 -1,00,000 -1,00,000 -1,00,000 -1,00,000 -1,00,000 -5,00,000 5 CAM Note: Please provide us a copy of the signed trustee consent letter.