Chapter 1 definition

Chapter 1 provisions according to Section 2 (3) lit. a point 1 till 13 of the Cooperation Agreement between the Operators of Gas Supply Networks
Chapter 1 means Chapter 1: general provisions on Mandatory Reporting. ”Chapter 2” means Chapter 2: specific provisions on Derivatives Transactions. ”Chapter 3” means Chapter 3: Static Data list.‌‌

Examples of Chapter 1 in a sentence

  • As a result of the Iran Divestment Act of 2012 (Act), Chapter 1 of the 2012 Laws of New York, a new provision has been added to the State Finance Law (SFL), § 165-a, effective April 12, 2012.

  • Chapter 1, Section 5 explains the Part D late enrollment penalty.o If you have a Part D late enrollment penalty and do not pay it, you could be disenrolled from the plan.

  • IRMAA is an extra charge added to your premium.• If you are required to pay the extra amount and you do not pay it, you will be disenrolled from the plan and lose prescription drug coverage.• If you have to pay an extra amount, Social Security, not your Medicare plan, will send you a letter telling you what that extra amount will be.• For more information about Part D premiums based on income, go to Chapter 1, Section 6 of this booklet.

  • Chapter 1, Section 5 explains the Part D late enrollment penalty.o If you have a Part D late enrollment penalty and do not pay it, you could be disenrolled from the plan.• Some members may be required to pay an extra charge, known as the Part D Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount, also known as IRMAA, because, 2 years ago, they had a modified adjusted gross income, above a certain amount, on their IRS tax return.

  • Chapter 1, Section 5 explains the Part D late enrollment penalty.

More Definitions of Chapter 1

Chapter 1Child Find in the Corrections Special School District page 19
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 1. ECTA's general provisions and objectives are outlined in Chapter 1, which states that it was signed in order to liberalize trade in goods and services and increase the effectiveness and competitiveness of both nations' manufacturing and service sectors.
Chapter 1. How Many Subjectivities in Xxxx’x Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts? 29
Chapter 1. Introduction: On the Possibility of Love and Justice as a Locus for Revelation 8
Chapter 1. Summary of Version 1.3
Chapter 1. The Sea as a space of Death in Xxxxxxxxx’ Persians 16