Branch bank definition
Examples of Branch bank in a sentence
Often these funds are provided, interest free, by the National Office and are paid back through regular deductions from the monthly dues forwarded through direct deposit to the Branch bank account.
There must be a Branch bank account with two signatories, normally the Coordinator and Treasurer (but does not have to be), the signatories must not be domiciled together.
These include, but are not limited to: inmate accounts (Department of Corrections); patient accounts (Bureau of Elder and Adult Services and the Department of Behavioral and Developmental Services); and Judicial Branch bank accounts (Administrative Office of the Courts).
He shall be allowed a sum not exceeding$20 for petty cash, to be drawn by cheque from the Branch bank account.
Branch bank behavior: interest rate offers and credit allocation across regions The branch bank must decide how to allocate funds between the two regions, and how much to invest in the risk-free alternative.
If the second committee member agrees with the details then they simply click ‘Authorise’.• A Direct Debit authorisation is built into the system so the monies the Branch are submitting for the Wings Appeal are collected automatically from the Branch bank account.
Note to physician:Short term exposure: This product is corrosive to the skin.
Congress does not approve of the practice of the CEC levying funds from Branch bank accounts without the provision of an opt-out and does not consider this to be necessary or expedient under the terms of Rule 28.
Furthermore, weather and seasonal conditions may also alter the geotechnical conditions on the site.
Bank of deposit: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Zhangjiang Sub Branch; bank account No.: 1001 0000 0000 0000 000.