Examples of Branch Group in a sentence
Action will be taken in accordance with Finance Department, Audit Branch, Group T, memo no.
Action will be taken in accordance with Finance Department, Audit Branch, Group- T, memo no.
The Branch Group definition is included with the EMS network model data maintained in the FNM, and that definition is also maintained in the Master File.
A transmission interface is a Branch Group or a path that consists of one or more branches.
Table 4-1: On-Peak Deliverability Assessment Import Target Branch Group (BG) Name Table 4-2: On-Peak Deliverability Assessment Import Target The Reliability Assessment 2013 Heavy Summer case modeled a 28,882 MW load (1-in-10 load forecast) in PG&E service territory.
To account for A/S imports, an implicit approach was taken where a portion of the total (calculated) A/S requirement is assumed to come from imports based on historical procurement, so that (a) the total A/S requirement is adjusted down to account for historical A/S imports and (b) individual inter-tie interface (Branch Group) transmission capacities are reduced by the historical seasonal hourly average A/S procured from across those interfaces.
In case of Tie Bid, decision will be taken by the TIA as per G.O. No. 2320-F(Y), dated 07.06.2022 issued from Finance Department Audit Branch (Group T).FORMAT FOR CHECK LISTName of the Tender :-…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..NIT No. ………………........................................
The results show higher usage in summer months compared to other times of the year.Figure 5.7-1: Malin 500 BG Maximum Monthly Usage by ISO LSEs 7.4 Historical MIC allocation on NOB Branch Group (PDCI)The Nevada-Oregon Border (NOB) BG is basically the portion of the capacity of PDCI available to ISO.
Action will be taken in accordance with finance department, Audit Branch, Group – T, memo no.
The types of resource names in the resource list are: • Baseline resources (either CAISO ID, ADS name, RPS name, name from the Mid-Term Reliability Baseline Generator List, or other name like DR program) • Branch Group names of the form “GENERIC_BRANCH_branchname” where “branchname” is the name of the transmission branch name.