DBS Group definition
Examples of DBS Group in a sentence
The DBS Group accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect and/or consequential loss (including any claims for loss of profit) arising from any use of and/or reliance upon this document and/or further communication given in relation to this document.
The DBS Group, along with its affiliates and/or persons associated with any of them may from time to time have interests in the securities mentioned in this document.
The DBS Group, may have positions in, and may effect transactions in securities mentioned herein and may also perform or seek to perform broking, investment banking and other banking services for these companies.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice, its accuracy is not guaranteed, it may be incomplete or condensed, it may not contain all material information concerning the company (or companies) referred to in this report and the DBS Group is under no obligation to update the information in this report.
You agree that the applicable data policies, notices and other communications to customers concerning their data from time to time issued by us (a member of the DBS Group) (“Data Policy Notice”) shall apply.