Brand Manager Charter definition
Examples of Brand Manager Charter in a sentence
Other than as provided in Subsection 12.2(b)(ii), Licensee shall have the right to select counsel and to make requests of the Brand Manager with respect to the conduct and resolution of the Claim, and the Brand Manager shall act as requested by Licensee unless the Brand Manager reasonably believes doing so may result in a Conflict under the Brand Manager Charter.
The Brand Manager shall also inform PalmOne and PalmSource if the Brand Manager believes that the proposed action may result in a Conflict under the Brand Manager Charter.
The rights set forth in subsection (a) shall be subject to the reasonable business judgment of the Company that certain information be kept confidential even as to a Member for reasons of attorney-client privilege or other business reasons; provided that nothing contained herein shall limit the obligations of the Company and the Brand Manager to provide reports and to report Conflicts, as set forth herein, in the Licenses and in the Brand Manager Charter.
To the Knowledge of Seller, neither Seller nor the Company has authorized the interim Brand Manager to take any action not permitted under the Brand Manager Charter in such Person’s capacity as interim Brand Manager.
The Brand Manager, subject and pursuant to the Holding Charter, the Brand Manager Charter, and the authority of the Holding board of directors, shall have the right and duty to monitor, maintain, enforce, register, protect and supervise the PalmOne Brand, Palm Marks and the Transition Marks, and fulfill any obligations and enforce any rights of Holding as otherwise provided in this Agreement with respect to the PalmOne Brand, Palm Marks and the Transition Marks and as provided in the Holding Charter.
The Brand Manager shall, by authority delegated from the Board, and pursuant to the Brand Manager Charter, receive, hold, maintain, register, enforce and defend the Property pursuant to requests and instructions from the Licensees under the Licenses and shall execute those duties to enhance and maintain the integrity of, and promote expansion of the value of and goodwill associated with, the Property as a whole for benefit of all Members.
Without limiting the foregoing, provided that the Brand Manager complies with its obligations under the Holding Charter (including Section 6.4 (d) thereof) and the Brand Manager Charter, and with the instructions of the Board, neither the Brand Manager nor Holding shall be liable to any Person in connection with any instruction(s) of the Class A Member, the Class B Member or the Board, or any action taken or inaction by the Brand Manager in accordance with any such instruction(s).
To the Knowledge of Purchaser, neither Purchaser nor the Company has authorized the interim Brand Manager to take any action not permitted under the Brand Manager Charter in such Person’s capacity as interim Brand Manager.
When a request under this Agreement or the PalmSource License for an Action or Enforcement has been granted by the Brand Manager, the requesting party shall have the right to select counsel and to direct the Brand Manager to implement instructions concerning all aspects of the Action or Enforcement (subject to the Brand Manager’s obligations under the Brand Manager Charter).
When considering ρ/σ 3, this halo is unremarkable and follows the Bertschinger law as closely as the others.This shows that there is a sense in which ΛCDM haloes are nearly universal, but that universality does not extend to their den- sity or velocity dispersion profiles separately, but rather only to their pseudo-phase-space density profile.