BridgeTex Pipeline definition
Examples of BridgeTex Pipeline in a sentence
There are substantial pipeline inflows of WTI type crude oil to Houston from three major hubs: 1) from Cushing via the Seaway and the Transcanada MarketLink Pipelines; 2) from Midland, Texas via the BridgeTex Pipeline and the Longhorn Pipeline; 3) from the Eagle Ford production area in South Texas via the Enterprise Pipeline and the Kinder Morgan Pipeline; and 4) from the Bakken production area via the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).
Carrier will not accept nor transport Crude Petroleum that does not meet the specifications set forth in the table below: (1) For further deliveries on Carrier’s pipeline system beyond Colorado City Station, Scurry County, Texas, Shippers must comply with the connecting carrier’s API Gravity specifications as required under Item 13(B) of Carrier’s Rules and Regulations Tariff, FERC No 35.6.0, including the specifications of BridgeTex Pipeline and the connecting carriers at Cushing, Oklahoma.
There will be no pumpover charge for barrels delivered from Basin Pipeline to BridgeTex Pipeline at Colorado City, Scurry County, Texas.
There will be no pumpover charge for barrels delivered to Plains Pipeline, L.P.’s Basin Pipeline for further delivery to BridgeTex Pipeline at Colorado City, Scurry County, Texas.
During the year ended December 31, 2018, we received proceeds from asset sales of $1.334 billion, which primarily consisted of the sale of a 30% interest in BridgeTex Pipeline Company, LLC for proceeds of $868 million, resulting in a gain of $200 million.
To meet this demand, the Sponsors must undertake a substantial capital investment in constructing the BridgeTex Pipeline Project.
The Open Season for the BridgeTex Pipeline Project commenced on June 11, 2012, and concluded on July 18, 2012.
BridgeTex Joint Venture In November 2012, we formed BridgeTex Pipeline Company, LLC (“BridgeTex”), a joint venture with an affiliate of Occidental Petroleum Corporation.
Interested Shippers received pro forma TSAs, which included the proposed committed and uncommitted rates for the project and the proposed rules tariff.10 Rates and Terms for the BridgeTex Pipeline Project 6.
Denbury thus confirms that private entities can be granted the power of eminent domain to construct and operate common carrier pipelines, and establishes that as long as the common carrier makes the showing that it is reasonably probable that third parties will use the pipeline, the Constitution’s “public use” requirement is satisfied.PRAYER FOR RELIEFAppellee BridgeTex Pipeline Company, LLC respectfully requests that this Court affirm the trial court’s judgment.