Budget Transaction definition
Examples of Budget Transaction in a sentence
Budget Transaction Reports will not be processed without a Status Report for the reporting period on file, a Budget Itemization Report, and any other required documentation established herein.
Unless otherwise provided, DCF shall pay amounts due and payable within thirty (30) days after receipt of a valid Budget Transaction Report, Budget Itemization Report and Status Report.
Failure to submit the required reporting, regardless of the level of progress or expenditures during the reporting period, shall lead to non-payment of the Budget Transaction Report requested funds, suspension of the grant and/or termination of the grant, at the discretion of DCF.
Budget Transaction Reports and Budget Itemization Reports must be submitted every reporting period, even if no expenses were incurred and no activity took place.
If no expenses were incurred, then $0.00 should be submitted on the Budget Transaction Report and Budget Itemization Report.
If the Budget Transaction Report includes expenses incurred from Sub-Awardees, a copy of the Sub-Grantee Agency’s Tax Clearance(s) and Debarment Memorandum(s) must be submitted with the first Budget Transaction Report in order for any funds to be reimbursed.
Budget Transaction Reports and Budget Itemization Reports are due as follows:Grantee Agencies shall request payment via the Budget Transaction Report.
After payment of the final Budget Transaction Request no further amount shall be due or payable by DCF under this Grant.
After payment of the Final Budget Transaction Report, no further amount shall be due or payable by DCF under this Grant.Although receipts and related documentation are not required to be submitted, this original documentation of expenditures must be kept on file and available for inspection by State and/or federal officials.Reports and Requests must be sent to the following parties, as noted on each Grant Report or Request accordingly.
A representative of Grantee must complete DCF’s mandatory Grant Training before the Agency submits its first Budget Transaction Report.