Examples of Buffy coat in a sentence
Buffy coat smears have proved to be a fast method for detecting intracellular bacteria in blood[1-5].
Since the treatment date, goats were monitored for trypanosome parasitaemia by the wet smear and Buffy coat technique three times a week for 100 consecutive days (27).
You will receive a copy of any draft you sign when using the Card, which you should retain to verify your monthly statement.
Four different sample types were collected using 5 different methods: Buffy coat; venous blood stored on DBS cards (vDBS); capillary blood stored on DBS cards (fDBS); saliva collected using the Oragene kit; and, saliva collected using the Oasis kit.
Upper layer that contains the plasma and most of the platelets discarded, the Buffy coat mononuclear cell layer (lymphocytes, monocytes, and thrombocytes) suspended in 5ml of 1x BSS buffer, centrifuged at 1800 rpm for 8 minutes.
Quality Control of platelet concentrate prepared from Buffy coat ParameterQuality RequirementsFrequency of controlVolume50-90 ml4 units per month/ 1% of all units (whichever ismore)Platelets count>6X10104 units per month/ 1% ofall units (whichever is more)pH>6.04 units per month/ 1% of all units (whichever is more)RBC contaminationTraces to 0.5 ml4 units per month/ 1% of all units (whichever ismore) 18.
Buffy coat (i.e. white blood cells), plasma, serum, and urine will be collected during this trial at baseline, immediately after RT, and at 8 weeks, 4, 6, and 12 months.
Buffy coat was isolated after centrifugation at 230g for 5 min at 4 °C to remove a ny residual plasma and all samples were stored until nucleic acid extraction, as described [22].
The Buffy coat was taken through a pipette and made a thin layer on the examination slides and fixed in 100% methanol for 30 minutes.
The methods currently employed in the laboratory to diagnose malaria are:-Peripheral thin and thick blood smear examination which is employed in detecting and identifying malaria parasites microscopically in appropriate stained blood smears.Fluorescence microscopy techniques (Quantitative Buffy coat QBC) test).Kawamoto A.O interference filter designed by Dr. F.