Prime coat definition
Prime coat means the first of two or more films of coating applied to a metal surface.
Prime coat means the first of two or more coatings applied to a surface.
Prime coat means an application of low-viscosity cutback asphalt or emulsified asphalt to an absorptive surface, designed to penetrate, bond and stabilize the existing surface and to promote adhesion between it and the construction course that follows.
Examples of Prime coat in a sentence
Prime coat shall be fully cured prior to placement of HMA to prevent pickup by haul trucks or paving equipment.
Prime coat shall be placed no more than five days in advance of the placement of HMA.
Prime coat shall be applied to gravel areas that are to receive bituminous mixes as directed by the Engineer.
The Ministerial Council may choose to hold open or closed sessions.
Prime coat shall be applied at a rate of .22 to .25 gallons per square yard.
More Definitions of Prime coat
Prime coat means the first film of coating applied to a surface to protect it or to prepare it to receive subsequent coatings.
Prime coat means a surface coating which is used to aid the adhesion of a topcoat to a surface or prevent corrosion of the metal being coated. For the purpose of emission limitations, guidecoat and surfacer are included in the definition of prime coat.
Prime coat means the first film of coating applied in a surface-coating operation.
Prime coat means the first of two or more films of coating applied in an operation.
Prime coat means the first film of coating applied in a multicoat operation.
Prime coat means the first of two or more coatings applied to a substrate in a multiple coat operation.
Prime coat. - means the first film of coating applied in a multi-coat operation.