Building Fund definition

Building Fund means the fund established and held by the County Treasurer under Section 3.03.
Building Fund means a fund created by the collection of contributions from members for -
Building Fund means a fund created by the collection of contribution from members for—

Examples of Building Fund in a sentence

  • The special revenue funds are composed of the District’s Building Fund and Child Nutrition Fund.

  • Building Fund - The building fund consists of monies derived property taxes levied for the purpose of erecting, remodeling, repairing, or maintaining school buildings and for purchasing furniture, equipment and computer software to be used on or for the school district property, for paying energy and utility costs, for purchasing telecommunications services, for paying fire and casualty insurance premiums for school facilities, for purchasing security systems, and for paying salaries of security personnel.

  • The interest earned on the moneys deposited in the Building Fund shall be deposited in the Building Fund and used for the purposes of that fund.

  • The District covenants that it will obtain, at the beginning of each month following the delivery date, a statement of the investments in the Building Fund detailing the nature, amount and value of each investment as of such statement date.

  • The District hereby covenants that it will record or cause to be recorded with respect to each Permitted Investment in the Building Fund the following information: purchase date; purchase price; information establishing the Fair Market Value of such Permitted Investment; face amount; coupon rate; periodicity of interest payments; disposition price; disposition date; and any accrued interest received upon disposition.

More Definitions of Building Fund

Building Fund means the fund established pursuant to Section 3.04.
Building Fund means the fund established and held by the County under Section3.03.
Building Fund means a fund operated by the College to assist with the further development of the College facilities.
Building Fund means the fund established and held by the County with respect to the Series A Bonds under Section 3.03.
Building Fund means the fund maintained by the County Treasurer under Section3.03.
Building Fund means the fund established and held by the Los Angeles County Office of Education under Section 3.04.