Public building definition
Public building means any structure, including exte- rior parts of the building, such as a porch, exterior platform or steps providing means of ingress or egress, used in whole or in part as a place of resort, assemblage, lodging, trade, traffic, occupancy, or use by the public or by 3 or more tenants.
Public building and "public work" means a public building of, and a public work of, a governmental entity (the United States; the District of Columbia; commonwealths, territories, and minor outlying islands of the United States; State and local governments; and multi-State, regional, or interstate entities which have governmental functions). These buildings and works may include, without limitation, bridges, dams, plants, highways, parkways, streets, subways, tunnels, sewers, mains, power lines, pumping stations, heavy generators, railways, airports, terminals, docks, piers, wharves, ways, lighthouses, buoys, jetties, breakwaters, levees, and canals, and the construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair of such buildings and works.
Public building means any structure, building, or facility, including its equipment, furnishings, or
Examples of Public building in a sentence
The Recipient must comply with the Xxxxxxxx “Anti-Kickback” Act (40 U.S.C. 3145), as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 3, “Contractors and Subcontractors on Public Building or Public Work Financed in Whole or in Part by Loans or Grants from the United States”).
More Definitions of Public building
Public building means a building used or constructed or adapted to be used either ordinarily or occasionally as a place of public worship or as a theatre, public hall, or as a public place of assembly for persons admitted by ticket or otherwise, or used or adapted to be used for any other public purpose;
Public building means any building where people gather to view theatrical and operatic performances, orchestral and choral recitals, and cinematographic screenings, or to attend or participate in indoor sports activities, including any place where people dance or practise or perform any physical activity;
Public building means a building used by Federal, State, or local government that is open to the general public.
Public building means a building or facility on government owned property that is owned or operated by a governmental entity, or operated by a third party operator. The building or facility must provide waterway related information, public meeting space, or educational services and be open to members of the public on a continual basis without discrimination.
Public building means any structure that is owned or leased, and principally used by a governmental agency for business or meetings.
Public building and "public work" means a public building of, and a public work of, a governmental entity (the United States, the District of Columbia, commonwealths and territories of the United States and minor outlying islands, and State and local governments). These buildings and works may include, without limitation, bridges, dams, plants, highways, parkways, streets, subways, tunnels, sewers, mains, power lines, pumping stations, heavy generators, railways, airports, terminals, docks, piers, wharves, ways, lighthouses, buoys, jetties, breakwaters, levees, and canals, and the construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair of such buildings and works.
Public building means any building or office space occupied by: