Examples of Bulk sampling in a sentence
Bulk sampling or documentation of asbestos in schools to include the following: (i) Detailed discussion of the "A Simplified Sampling Scheme for Friable Surfacing Materials (U.S. EPA 560/5- 85-030a October 1985)*".
Bulk sampling is conducted by large diameter drilling technique and only affects the area cleared for rig setup and the 17” or 24” hole up to maximum 600m depth in the ground.
Bulk sampling is currently not planned, but if required the application will be amended accordingly.
Bulk sampling has established that Kahuna has a recovered grade of 1.04 cpt and Notch has a recovered grade of 0.90 cpt (at a+0.85 mm lower cut-off) as previously disclosed in the Inferred Resource.
Bulk sampling criteria for collection and analysis of bulk samples of each suspect homogeneous material are identified in 29 CFR Part 1926.1101, 40 CFR Part 61 and 40 CFR Part 763.