Bullish definition

Bullish rating means most stocks in the sector have (or the weighted average recommendation of the stocks under coverage is) a positive absolute recommendation.
Bullish means Bullish, a Cayman Islands exempted company.
Bullish means that you believe that the value (price) of crypto or an NFT will rise which is usually characterized by long strategies (see Hodl, Hodler).

Examples of Bullish in a sentence

  • The ProShares Trust will make available, prior to the opening of trading on the primary exchange on which shares are listed, a list of the names and the required number of shares of each security to be included in the Creation Deposit for each Bullish Fund.

  • Market Strategic Basket Securities, ETFS Bearish USD vs G10 Currency Basket Securities and ETFS Bullish USD vs G10 Currency Basket Securities.

  • Bullish; with a bull feature The Product benefits from rising prices of the Underlying Refer-ence Asset(s).

  • Bullish background flooding Any Available Color Default = Green This sets the color of the Bullish background flooding.

  • A Bullish phase refers to a period of optimism and a Bearish phase to a period of perssimism on the Bourses.BADLA – This refers to a carry forward system of settlement, particularly at the BSE.

  • HCPs should be aware that their own percep- tion of the severity of the disease may interfere and influence the way they interpret the pa- tient’s attitudes.

  • A "stop loss event" occurs if the level of the Underlying in a specified period is (a) in the case of Bullish Mini Future Products, below or at or below (as specified in the Issue Terms) a predefined "stop loss level" or (b) in the case of Bearish Mini Future Products, above or at or above (as specified in the Issue Terms) a predefined "stop loss level".

  • If a "stop loss event" occurs Investors may lose all of their investment if the Issuer (or any of its affiliates) is not able to unwind its hedge positions in relation to the Product at a level that is either (a) in the case of Bullish Mini Future Products, above the strike level or (b) in the case of Bearish Mini Future Products, below the strike level.

  • The ProShares Trust will make available, prior to the opening of trading on the American Stock Exchange, a list of the names and the required number of shares of each security to be included in the Creation Deposit for each Bullish Fund.

  • The Trust Agreement provides for the deposit of cash with the Fund from time to time and the issuance by the Fund of additional Creation Baskets representing the undivided units of 1 Forms of Global Certificates of Beneficial Interest for each of PowerShares DB US Dollar Index Bullish Fund and PowerShares DB US Dollar Index Bearish Fund shall be, except for the names of the Funds, substantially identical to this Form of Global Certificate.

More Definitions of Bullish

Bullish means Bullish, a Cayman Islands exempted company. Bullish is referred to as “Pubco” in the Business Combination Agreement and certain other transaction documents.

Related to Bullish

  • Bullion means gold, silver, or platinum in a bulk state, where its value depends on its content rather than its form, with a purity of not less than 900 parts per 1,000.

  • seaman means any person forming part of the crew of any ship, but does not include the master of the ship;

  • Harvest means the ((marijuana)) cannabis plant material derived from plants of the same strain that were cultivated at the same licensed location and gathered at the same time.

  • Raffle means a lottery in which the prize is won by (i) a random drawing of the name or

  • HK$ Hong Kong dollars, the lawful currency of Hong Kong;

  • meat means the edible part of clean, sound striated muscle of cattle, swine, sheep, deer and other cervids, goat, turkey, duck, ratite, or chicken slaughtered in compliance with all applicable laws, with or without the accompanying and overlying fat, and sinew, nerve, gland, and blood vessels which normally accompany the muscle tissues and which are not separated from it in the process of dressing. Meat does not include specified risk materials.