Examples of CAISO Control Area in a sentence
Posts on the CAISO Website within 10 Business Days after the start date for the implementation of a Station Power Portfolio a listing of the specific participating Station Power Generating Units located in the CAISO Control Area, and any generating facilities outside the CAISO Control Area, that compose each Station Power Portfolio, and that are eligible to participate in the self- supply of Station Power in accordance with the CAISO Tariff.
The HASP optimization produces Settlement prices for hourly imports and exports to and from the CAISO Control Area reflected in the HASP Intertie Schedule and for the HASP AS Awards for System Resources.
The IFM performs Unit Commitment and Congestion Management, clears the Energy Bids as modified and in the MPM-RRD, taking into account transmission limits and technical and inter-temporal operating constraints, and ensures that adequate Ancillary Services are procured in the CAISO Control Area to meet 100 percent of the CAISO Forecast of CAISO Demand requirements.
CAISO will give a system Alert Notice when the operating requirements of the CAISO Controlled Grid are marginal because of Demand exceeding forecast, loss of major Generation or loss of transmission capacity that has curtailed imports into the CAISO Control Area, or if it otherwise appears that there is insufficient Energy and Ancillary Services to meet Real-Time Demand in the CAISO Control Area.
The CAISO and each MSS Operator shall cooperate with each other in performing system surveys and inspections to the extent these relate to the operation of the CAISO Control Area.
All information pertaining to the physical state or operation, maintenance and failure of the MSS affecting the operation of the CAISO Control Area that is made available to the CAISO by the MSS Operator shall also be made available to Scheduling Coordinators, provided that the CAISO shall provide reasonable notice to the MSS Operator.
All MW and MWh data for both the CAISO Control Area and the adjacent Control Areas must originate from the same metering equipment.
When, in the judgment of the CAISO, the System Reliability of the CAISO Controlled Grid is in danger of instability, voltage collapse or under-frequency caused by transmission or Generation trouble in the CAISO Control Area, or events outside of the CAISO Control Area that could result in a cascade of events throughout the WECC grid, the CAISO will declare a System Emergency.
The CAISO, the MSS Operator and Participating TOs shall share information such as projected Load growth and system expansions necessary to conduct necessary system planning studies to the extent that these may impact the operation of the CAISO Control Area.
The Delivery Point for each Unit is the CAISO Control Area, and if applicable, the LAR region in which the Unit is electrically interconnected.