Examples of local area in a sentence
Grantee must establish and maintain collaborative working relationships with representatives on the ADRC’s Local Advisory Group and the regional partners, such as Local Intellectual and Developmental Disability Authorities (LIDDAs); Local Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs); and Local HHSC offices to be identified by HHSC.
The plans have evolved over recent years focusing on the Life Expectancy target, Choosing Health priorities, NRF initiatives and Local Area Agreement priorities.
This proposed standard will be based on technology which has evolved specifically for Local Area Networks.
The Union will exert and document their best efforts to recruit and identify residents of the Local Area, in a manner that is consistent with the District’s Core Value and Guiding Principle, and those individuals shall be referred for Project work first, to the extent allowed by law, and consistent with the Union's hiring hall provisions, and as long as they possess the requisite skills and qualifications, including journeymen and apprentices covered by this Agreement.
The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 includes statutory duties for PCTs and Local Authorities to co-operate in agreeing Local Area Agreement targets and producing Joint Strategic Needs Assessments.