Examples of California Public Records Act in a sentence
Taxpayer acknowledges that GO-Biz is subject to the California Public Records Act (PRA) (Gov.
Although the California Public Records Act recognizes that certain confidential trade secret information may be protected from disclosure, the City of Palo Alto may not accept or approve that the information that a Proposer submits is a trade secret.
Contractor acknowledges that this Agreement and all records related to its formation, Contractor's performance of Services, and City's payment are subject to the California Public Records Act, (California Government Code §6250 et.
All documents submitted in response to this IFB will become the property of the State and will be regarded as public records under the California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250 et seq.) and subject to review by the public.
Consultant has been advised and is aware that this Agreement and all reports, documents, information and data, including, but not limited to, computer tapes, discs or files furnished or prepared by Consultant, or any of its subcontractors, pursuant to this Agreement and provided to City may be subject to public disclosure as required by the California Public Records Act (California Government Code Section 6250 et seq.).
For the purpose of this prohibition, appropriate authorization includes authorization granted by law, including the Sunshine Ordinance, California Public Records Act, the Ralph M.
Contractor and County agree and acknowledge that all information and documents related to the award and performance of this Contract are subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act, California Government Code Section 6250 et seq.
Contractor acknowledges that this Agreement and all records related to its formation, Contractor’s performance of Services, and City’s payment are subject to the California Public Records Act, (California Government Code §6250 et.
Privacy PolicyPersonal information that is provided in communications to the Planning Department is subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance.
Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Government Code Sections 6250 et seq., any contract that eventually arises from this Request for Proposal is a public record, in its entirety.