Examples of Call Loan in a sentence
The overall benchmark for this entity is composed of 50% S&P/TSX Composite Total Return Index, 45% FTSE Canada All Government Bond Index, 4.65% FTSE Canada 91 Day T-Bill Index and 0.35% One-day Canadian Call Loan Rate.
The overall benchmark for this fund is composed of 50% S&P/TSX60 Total Return Index, 45% FTSE TMX Canada All Government Bond Index, 4.65% FTSE TMX Canada 91 Day T-Bill Index and 0.35% One-day Canadian Call Loan Rate.
Its benchmark is calculated as 93% of the FTSE Canada 91 Day T-Bill Index plus 7% One-day Canadian Call Loan Rate.
The benchmark is calculated as 93% of the FTSE TMX Canada 91 Day T-Bill Index and 7% of the One-day Canadian Call Loan Rate.NBIMC Student Investment FundThis fund is managed by students at the University of New Brunswick who are registered in the Student Investment Fund Program.
All parts of this Code apply to all the loan products and services viz., Housing Loan, Personal Loan, Mortgaged Loan, Commercial Loan, Demand & Call Loan, Vehicle Loan, Loan against Hypothecation or any other products & services which are presently being provided or which may be introduced hereafter whether they are provided by the company across the counter, over the phone, by post, through interactive electronic devices, on the internet or through Company’s agents or by any other method.
This was an At Call Loan and interest had been capitalised until the loan was called in by the Highbury Landfill Authority in November 2008.
The benchmark is calculated as 93% of the DEX 91-Day Treasury Bill Index and 7% of the Call Loan Rate.
The benchmark is calculated as 93% of the FTSE Canada 91 Day T-Bill Index and 7% of the One-day Canadian Call Loan Rate.NBIMC Quantitative Equity Strategic Beta (2017) FundThis entity adds value by investing in either long or short positions, primarily in equities in the MSCI ACWI Index.
The overall benchmark for this fund is composed of 50% S&P/TSX Total Return Composite Index, 45% DEX All Government Bond Index, 4.65% DEX 91-Day Treasury Bill Index and 0.35% Call Loan Rate.
The benchmark is calculated as 93% of the DEX 91-Day Treasury Bill Index and 7% of the Call Loan Rate.NBIMC Quantitative Strategies FundThis fund seeks to add value by investing in either long or short positions where announced mergers or dual class share structures present arbitrage potential.